Find errors in data

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
options(Ncpus = 1)


Errorlocate uses validation rules from package validate to locate faulty values in observations (or in database slang: erronenous fields in records).

It follows this simple recipe (Felligi-Holt):

errorlocate does this by translating this into a mixed integer problem (see vignette("inspect_mip", package="errorlocate") and solving it using lpSolveAPI.


errorlocate has two main functions to be used:


Let's start with a simple example:

We have a rule that age cannot be negative:

rules <- validator(age > 0)

And we have the following data set

"age, income
 -10,    0  
  15, 2000
  25, 3000
  NA, 1000
" -> csv
d <- read.csv(textConnection(csv), strip.white = TRUE)
le <- locate_errors(d, rules)

summary(le) gives an overview of the errors found in this data set. The complete error listing can be found with:


Which says that record 1 has a faulty value for age.

Suppose we expand our rules

rules <- validator( r1 = age > 0
                  , r2 = if (income > 0) age > 16

With validate::confront we can see that rule r2 is violated (record 2).

summary(confront(d, rules))

What errors will be found by locate_errors?

le <- locate_errors(d, rules)

It now detects that age in observation 2 is also faulty, since it violates the second rule. Note that we use set.seed. This is needed because in this example, either age or income can be considered faulty. set.seed assures that the procedure is reproducible.

With replace_errors we can remove the errors (which still need to be imputed).

d_fixed <- replace_errors(d, le)
summary(confront(d_fixed, rules))

In which replace_errors set all faulty values to NA.



locate_errors allows for supplying weigths for the variables. It is common that the quality of the observed variables differs. When we have more trust in age we can give it more weight so it chooses income when it has to decide between the two (record 2):

set.seed(1) # good practice, although not needed in this example
weight <- c(age = 2, income = 1) 
le <- locate_errors(d, rules, weight)

Weights can be specified in different ways: (see also errorlocate::expand_weights):

Performance / Parallelisation

locate_errors solves a mixed integer problem. When the number of interactions between validation rules is large, finding an optimal solution can become computationally intensive. Both locate_errors as well as replace_errors have a parallization option: Ncpus making use of multiple processors. The $duration (s) property of each solution indicates the time spent to find a solution for each record. This can be restricted using the argument timeout (s).

# duration is in seconds. 

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errorlocate documentation built on Oct. 1, 2023, 1:08 a.m.