API for esvis
Visualization and Estimation of Effect Sizes

Global functions
auc Man page
benchmarks Man page
binned_es Man page Source code
binned_plot Man page Source code
coh Man page Source code
coh_d Man page Source code
coh_se Source code
cross Source code
cross_df Source code
descrip_cross Source code
descrip_stats Man page Source code
drop_empty Source code
ecdf_fun Man page Source code
ecdf_plot Man page Source code
esvis Man page
esvis-package Man page
hedg Man page Source code
hedg_g Man page Source code
is.formula Source code
is_list Source code
mean_diff Source code
pac Man page
pac_compare Man page
paired_ecdf Man page Source code
pooled_sd Source code
pp_plot Man page Source code
psd Man page Source code
ref_subset Source code
rename_ref_foc Source code
seda Man page
seq_nrow Source code
star Man page
tpac Man page
tpac_compare Man page
ulevels Source code
v Man page
esvis documentation built on May 1, 2020, 1:06 a.m.