Man pages for ethnobotanyR
Calculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices

CIsCultural Importance index (CI)
CVeCultural Value of ethnospecies (CVe)
ethno_alluvialAlluvial plot of ethnobotany uses and species
ethno_bayes_consensusGives a measure of the confidence we can have in the answers...
ethno_bootBootstrap analyses of ethnobotany indices
ethnobotanydataEthnobotany data set.
ethnoChordChord diagram of ethnobotany uses and species
FCsFrequency of Citation (FC)
FLsFidelity Level (FL)
NUsNumber of Uses (NU)
Radial_plotRadial bar plot of ethnobotany indices
RFCsRelative Frequency of Citation (RFC)
RIsRelative Importance index (RI)
simple_UVsUse Value (UV) index per species
URsUse Report (UR)
URsumSum of all Use Reports (UR) for all species
UVsUse Value (UV) index per species
ethnobotanyR documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2:15 a.m.