ethno_alluvial: Alluvial plot of ethnobotany uses and species

View source: R/ethno_alluvial.R

ethno_alluvialR Documentation

Alluvial plot of ethnobotany uses and species


Creates a simple alluvial plot of species and uses for ethnobotany studies.


ethno_alluvial(data, alpha = 0, colors = NULL)



is an ethnobotany data set with column 1 'informant' and 2 'sp_name' as row identifiers of informants and of species names respectively. The rest of the columns are the identified ethnobotany use categories. The data should be populated with counts of uses per person (should be 0 or 1 values).


is a number between 0 and 1 for the level of transparency behind the labels on the strata (default is 0).


is the color palette to be used for the fill of the bars. The default is from the rainbow palette with the number of plants in the data


Alluvial diagram showing all use reports for each use (center) related to each species (left) and informant (right) in the data set.


Identification for informants and species must be listed by the names 'informant' and 'sp_name' respectively in the data set. The rest of the columns represent the identified ethnobotany use categories. These data should be populated with counts of uses per person (should be 0 or 1 values).


Mon, Aye Mya, Yinxian Shi, Xuefei Yang, Pyae Phyo Hein, Thaung Naing Oo, Cory Whitney, and Yongping Yang. “The Uses of Fig (Ficus) by Five Ethnic Minority Communities in Southern Shan State, Myanmar.” Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 16, no. 5 (2020). doi: 10.1186/s13002-020-00406-z


#Use built-in ethnobotany data example

#Generate random dataset of three informants uses for four species

eb_data <- data.frame(replicate(10,sample(0:1,20,rep=TRUE)))
names(eb_data) <- gsub(x = names(eb_data), pattern = "X", replacement = "Use_")  
eb_data$informant <- sample(c('User_1', 'User_2', 'User_3'), 20, replace=TRUE)
eb_data$sp_name <- sample(c('sp_1', 'sp_2', 'sp_3', 'sp_4'), 20, replace=TRUE)

# Default plot ####


ethnobotanyR documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2:15 a.m.