Man pages for eudract
Creates Safety Results Summary in XML to Upload to EudraCT, or

append_xmlinternal function to append rows to the output xml file
clintrials_gov_convertapplies a conversion using xslt from a simple xml file to a...
clintrials_gov_uploadapplies a conversion using xslt from a simple xml file to a...
create.safety_summaryfunction that creates a safety_summary object from individual...
df_to_charfunction to make a data frame be entirely character vectors
dot_plotcreates a dot-plot of safety data showing the absolute and...
eudract_convertapplies a conversion using xslt from a simple xml file to a...
incidence_tableprovide standard structured tables to report incidence rates...
plot.dot_plotplot methods for dot_plot object
print.dot_plotprint methods for dot_plot object
print.safety_summaryprint method for safety summary object
relative_riskCalculate relative risks to be reported or plotted as dot...
safetyExample of safety data
safety_summaryCalculate frequency tables from a rectangular data frame with...
simple_safety_xmlcreates a simple xml file from the input of a safety_summary...
soc_codeSystem Organ Class coding
eudract documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:08 p.m.