Man pages for evobiR
Comparative and Population Genetic Analyses

1.fastasimulated SNP data
AICcComputes an AICc score
AncCondCalculate the mean of a continuous character at the origin of...
CalcDCalculate Patterson's D-statistic
EvenTests whether a number is even
evobiR-packageevobiR: Evolutionary Biology in R
FuzzyMatchFind Close Matches in a tree and dataset
horn.beetleGnatocerus measurements
hym.treePhylogenetic tree
mcmc2mcmc log file
mite.traitphenotype data for mites
ModeCalcualtes the mode of a numeric vector
PPSDiscreteCreate Simulated Datasets via PPS
ReorderDataReorders trait data to match the order of tips in a tree
ResSelSelection on Residuals
SampleTreesSelect a random sample of trees
SlidingWindowSliding window analysis
SuperMatrixcreates a supermatrix from multiple gene alignments
trees10 Phylogenetic trees
trees.mite10 Phylogenetic trees
trees.nex100 Phylogenetic trees
ViewEvoLearning Resources
WinCalcDCalculate Patterson's D-statistic in sliding windows
evobiR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:40 a.m.