match_exams_call: Query Information from Last xexams/exams2xyz Call

View source: R/search_files.R

match_exams_callR Documentation

Query Information from Last xexams/exams2xyz Call


match_exams_call queries the last call made to xexams (typically through some exams2xyz interface). match_exams_device queries the graphics device used in the last xweave call. match_exams_iteration queries the iteration (within n replications) that is currently processed by xexams.


match_exams_call(which = 1L, deparse = TRUE)



integer. Specifies the hierarchy level at which the exams2xyz call should be extracted.


logical. Should only the deparsed function name be computed (or the entire call)?


The function match_exams_call is useful for determining within an exercise which exams2xyz interface is used in order to behave slightly differently, e.g., for PDF vs. HTML output. (This feature only works from R 3.2.0 onwards.)

Similarly, the function match_exams_device can be used within an exercise to use the same graphics device that xweave is using.

Finally, the function match_exams_iteration can be used to find out which iteration (within n replication) is currently processed by xexams or exams2xyz. This is useful if an exercise wants to iterate through a certain grid of parameter settings.


## call exams2nops
dir.create(tdir <- tempfile())
exams2nops("tstat2.Rmd", dir = tdir)

## graphics device used

## exams2nops called exams2pdf called xexams:
match_exams_call(which = NULL)

## get full exams2nops call
match_exams_call(deparse = FALSE)

## but note that convenience wrappers etc. are included
e2n <- function(...) exams2nops(...)
e2n("tstat2.Rmd", dir = tdir)
match_exams_call(which = NULL)

exams documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:38 a.m.