
Defines functions xl.sheet.delete xl.sheet.exists.character xl.sheet.exists.numeric xl.sheet.exists xl.sheet.activate xl.sheets xl.sheet.show xl.sheet.hide xl.sheet.visible xl.sheet.name xl.sheet.duplicate xl.sheet.add

Documented in xl.sheet.activate xl.sheet.add xl.sheet.delete xl.sheet.duplicate xl.sheet.hide xl.sheet.name xl.sheets xl.sheet.show xl.sheet.visible

#' Basic operations with worksheets.
#' @param xl.sheet.name character. sheet name/new sheet name
#' @param before character/numeric. sheet name or sheet number in active
#'   workbook before which new sheet will be added
#' @param xl.sheet character/numeric. sheet name or sheet number in active
#'   workbook
#' @details \itemize{ 
#' \item \code{xl.sheet.add} adds new sheet with given name and invisibly 
#' returns name of this newly added sheet. Added sheet become active. If 
#' \code{xl.sheet.name} is missing default name will be used. If \code{before}
#' argument is missing, sheet will be added at the last position. If sheet with
#' given name already exists error will be generated.
#' \item \code{xl.sheet.name} rename active sheet. If its argument is missing
#' then it just return active sheet name.
#' \item \code{xl.sheet.hide}/\code{xl.sheet.show} hide and show sheet by its
#' name. \code{xl.sheet.visible} returns current visibility status of the
#' sheet.
#' \item \code{xl.sheet.activate} activates sheet with given name/number. If 
#' sheet with this name doesn't exist error will be generated.
#' \item \code{xl.sheet.delete} deletes sheet with given
#' name/number. If name doesn't submitted it delete active sheet.
#' }
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{xl.sheet.add}/\code{xl.sheet.activate}/\code{xl.sheet.duplicate}
#' invisibly return name of created/activated/duplicated sheet.
#' \item \code{xl.sheets} returns vector of sheet names in active workbook.
#' \item \code{xl.sheet.delete} invisibly returns NULL.
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{xl.workbooks}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' xl.workbook.add()
#' sheets = xl.sheets()
#' xl.sheet.add("Second")
#' xl.sheet.add("First", before="Second")
#' for (sheet in sheets) xl.sheet.delete(sheet) # only 'First' and 'Second' exist in workbook now
#' xl.sheet.activate("Second") #last sheet activated 
#' xl.sheet.duplicate() # duplicate second sheet
#' xl.sheet.name() # "Second (2)"
#' xl.sheet.name("Third") # "Third"
#' }
#' @export
xl.sheet.add = function(xl.sheet.name = NULL,before = NULL)
    ### add new sheet to active workbook after the last sheet with given name and invisibily return reference to it 
    ex = xl.get.excel()
    sh.count = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Sheets']][['Count']]
    sheets = tolower(xl.sheets())
    if (!is.null(xl.sheet.name) && (tolower(xl.sheet.name) %in% sheets)) stop ('sheet with name "',xl.sheet.name,'" already exists.')
    if (is.null(before)) {
        res = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Sheets']]$Add(After = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Sheets']][[sh.count]])
    } else {
        before = xl.sheet.exists(before,sheets)
        res = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Sheets']]$Add(Before = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Sheets']][[before]])
    if (!is.null(xl.sheet.name)) {
        res[['Name']] = substr(xl.sheet.name,1,63)

#' @export
#' @rdname xl.sheet.add
xl.sheet.duplicate = function(before = NULL)
    ex = xl.get.excel()
    sheets = tolower(xl.sheets())
    if (is.null(before)) {
        sh.count = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Sheets']][['Count']]
        ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Activesheet']]$copy(after = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Sheets']][[sh.count]])
    } else {
        before = xl.sheet.exists(before,sheets)
        before = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Sheets']][[before]]
        ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Activesheet']]$copy(before = before)

#' @export
#' @rdname xl.sheet.add
xl.sheet.name = function(xl.sheet.name = NULL){
    ex = xl.get.excel()
    sheets = tolower(xl.sheets())
    res = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Activesheet']]
    if (!is.null(xl.sheet.name)){
        if(tolower(xl.sheet.name) %in% sheets) stop ('sheet with name "',xl.sheet.name,'" already exists.')
        res[['Name']] = substr(xl.sheet.name,1,63)

#' @export
#' @rdname xl.sheet.add
xl.sheet.visible = function(xl.sheet){
    ex = xl.get.excel()
    curr_sheet = get_sheet(ex[['ActiveWorkbook']], xl.sheet)
    res = curr_sheet[["Visible"]]
    if(res == xl.constants$xlSheetVisible) TRUE else FALSE

#' @export
#' @rdname xl.sheet.add
xl.sheet.hide = function(xl.sheet = NULL)
    ### add new sheet to active workbook after the last sheet with given name and invisibily return reference to it 
    ex = xl.get.excel()
    if (is.null(xl.sheet)) {
        curr_sheet = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['ActiveSheet']]
    } else {
        curr_sheet = get_sheet(ex[['ActiveWorkbook']], xl.sheet)
    curr_sheet[["Visible"]] = xl.constants$xlSheetHidden

#' @export
#' @rdname xl.sheet.add
xl.sheet.show = function(xl.sheet)
    ### add new sheet to active workbook after the last sheet with given name and invisibily return reference to it 
    ex = xl.get.excel()
    curr_sheet = get_sheet(ex[['ActiveWorkbook']], xl.sheet)
    curr_sheet[["Visible"]] = xl.constants$xlSheetVisible

#' @export
#' @rdname xl.sheet.add
xl.sheets = function()
    ### Return worksheets names in the active workbook 
    ex = xl.get.excel()
    sh.count = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Sheets']][['Count']]
    sapply(seq_len(sh.count), function(sh) ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][['Sheets']][[sh]][['Name']])

#' @export
#' @rdname xl.sheet.add
xl.sheet.activate = function(xl.sheet)
    ### activate sheet with given name (number) in active workbook 
    ex = xl.get.excel()
    #on.exit(ex[["DisplayAlerts"]] = TRUE)
    xl.sh = get_sheet(ex[['ActiveWorkbook']], xl.sheet)
    visibility = xl.sheet.visible(xl.sheet)
    if(identical(visibility, FALSE)){
        stop("You are trying to activate hidden sheet.")
    #ex[["DisplayAlerts"]] = FALSE

xl.sheet.exists = function(xl.sheet,all.sheets = xl.sheets())
    ## check exsistense of xl.sheet in all.sheets and return xl.sheet position in all.sheets 

#' @export
xl.sheet.exists.numeric = function(xl.sheet,all.sheets = xl.sheets())
    if (xl.sheet>length(all.sheets)) stop ("too large sheet number. In workbook only ",length(all.sheets)," sheet(s)." )

#' @export
xl.sheet.exists.character = function(xl.sheet,all.sheets = xl.sheets())
    xl.sheet = which(tolower(xl.sheet) == tolower(all.sheets)) 
    if (length(xl.sheet) == 0) stop ("sheet ",xl.sheet," doesn't exist." )

#' @export
#' @rdname xl.sheet.add
xl.sheet.delete = function(xl.sheet = NULL)
    ### delete sheet with given name(number) in active workbook 
    ex = xl.get.excel()
    on.exit(ex[["DisplayAlerts"]] <- TRUE)
    if (is.null(xl.sheet)) {
        xl.sh = ex[['ActiveWorkbook']][["ActiveSheet"]]
    } else {
        xl.sh = get_sheet(ex[['ActiveWorkbook']], xl.sheet)
    ex[["DisplayAlerts"]] = FALSE

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excel.link documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:18 p.m.