API for extremefit
Estimation of Extreme Conditional Quantiles and Probabilities

Global functions
Biweight.kernel Man page
Burr Distribution Man page
CriticalValue Man page
Epa.kernel Man page
Gaussian.kernel Man page
LoadCurve Man page
Pareto Distribution Man page
Pareto mix Man page
Rectangular.kernel Man page
Triang.kernel Man page
TruncGauss.kernel Man page
bandwidth.CV Man page
bandwidth.grid Man page
bootCI Man page
bootCI.ts Man page
cox.adapt Man page
dataOyster Man page
dataWind Man page
dburr Man page
dpareto Man page
dparetomix Man page
goftest Man page
goftest.hill.adapt Man page
goftest.hill.ts Man page
hill Man page
hill.adapt Man page
hill.ts Man page
pburr Man page
plot.hill Man page
plot.hill.adapt Man page
ppareto Man page
pparetoCP Man page
pparetomix Man page
predict.cox.adapt Man page
predict.hill Man page
predict.hill.adapt Man page
predict.hill.ts Man page
print.hill.ts Man page
probgrid Man page
qburr Man page
qpareto Man page
qparetoCP Man page
qparetomix Man page
rburr Man page
rburr.dependent Man page
rpareto Man page
rparetoCP Man page
rparetomix Man page
wecdf Man page
wquantile Man page
extremefit documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:10 a.m.