Man pages for extremefit
Estimation of Extreme Conditional Quantiles and Probabilities

bandwidth.CVChoice of the bandwidth by cross validation.
bandwidth.gridBandwidth Grid
Biweight.kernelBiweight kernel function
bootCIPointwise confidence intervals by bootstrap
bootCI.tsPointwise confidence intervals by bootstrap
Burr-DistributionBurr distribution
cox.adaptCompute the extreme quantile procedure for Cox model
CriticalValueComputation of the critical value in the hill.adapt function
dataOysterHigh-frequency noninvasive valvometry data
dataWindWind speed for Brest (France)
Epa.kernelEpanechnikov kernel function
Gaussian.kernelGaussian kernel function
goftestGoodness of fit test statistics
goftest.hill.adaptGoodness of fit test statistics
goftest.hill.tsGoodness of fit test statistics for time series
hillHill estimator
hill.adaptCompute the extreme quantile procedure
hill.tsCompute the extreme quantile procedure on a time dependent...
LoadCurveLoad curve of an habitation
Pareto-DistributionPareto distribution
Pareto-mixPareto mixture distribution
plot.hillHill plot
plot.hill.adaptHill.adapt plot
pparetoCPPareto change point distribution
predict.cox.adaptPredict the survival or quantile function from the extreme...
predict.hillPredict the adaptive survival or quantile function
predict.hill.adaptPredict the adaptive survival or quantile function
predict.hill.tsPredict the adaptive survival or quantile function for a time...
probgridProbability grid
rburr.dependentGenerate Burr dependent data
Rectangular.kernelRectangular kernel function
Triang.kernelTriangular kernel function
TruncGauss.kernelTruncated Gaussian kernel function
wecdfWeighted empirical cumulative distribution function
wquantileWeighted quantile
extremefit documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:10 a.m.