ANT2: Messy ANT data

Description Usage Author(s) Examples


A “messy” version of the ANT data set (see ANT). In this version of the data, subnum #7 is missing data from the last half of the experiment, subnum #14 made all errors in the incongruent cells, and subnum #12 mistakenly reversed their responses.




Michael A. Lawrence
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Example output

  subnum     group block trial     cue     flank location direction       rt
1      1 Treatment     1     1    None   Neutral       up      left 398.6773
2      1 Treatment     1     2  Center   Neutral       up      left 389.1822
3      1 Treatment     1     3  Double   Neutral       up      left 333.2186
4      1 Treatment     1     4 Spatial   Neutral       up      left 419.7640
5      1 Treatment     1     5    None Congruent       up      left 446.4754
6      1 Treatment     1     6  Center Congruent       up      left 338.9766
1     0
2     0
3     0
4     0
5     0
6     0
Data frame dimensions: 5760 rows, 10 columns
             type missing values      min         max
subnum    numeric       0     20        1          20
group      factor       0      2  Control   Treatment
block     numeric       0      6        1           6
trial      factor       0     48        1          48
cue        factor       0      4     None     Spatial
flank      factor       0      3  Neutral Incongruent
location   factor       0      2     down          up
direction  factor       0      2     left       right
rt        numeric     144   5617 179.5972    657.6986
error     numeric     144      3        0           1

ez documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:46 a.m.