ez-package: Easy analysis and visualization of factorial experiments

Description Details Author(s) See Also


This package facilitates easy analysis of factorial experiments, including purely within-Ss designs (a.k.a. “repeated measures”), purely between-Ss designs, and mixed within-and-between-Ss designs. The functions in this package aim to provide simple, intuitive and consistent specification of data analysis and visualization. Visualization functions also include design visualization for pre-analysis data auditing, and correlation matrix visualization. Finally, this package includes functions for non-parametric analysis, including permutation tests and bootstrap resampling. The bootstrap function obtains predictions either by cell means or by more advanced/powerful mixed effects models, yielding predictions and confidence intervals that may be easily visualized at any level of the experiment's design.


Package: ez
Type: Package
Version: 4.4-0
Date: 2016-11-01
License: GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes

This package contains several useful functions:


Michael A. Lawrence mike.lwrnc@gmail.com
Visit the ez development site at http://github.com/mike-lawrence/ez
for the bug/issue tracker and the link to the mailing list.

See Also

ANT, ANT2, ezANOVA, ezBoot, ezCor, ezDesign, ezMixed, ezPerm, ezPlot, ezPlot2, ezPrecis, ezPredict, ezResample, ezStats

ez documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:46 a.m.