Man pages for fSRM
Social Relations Analyses with Roles ("Family SRM")

buildSRMSyntaxBuild lavaan syntax for a Social Relations Model with roles...
clinicalData set on negativity in problematic and nonproblematic...
equalMeansTest actor and partner means for equality
four.personData set on attachment anxiety in four person families (Cook,...
fSRMRun a Social Relations Model with roles ("Family SRM")
importImport and transform a dataset into long format
modGet modification indices for a fSRM object
plot.fSRMPlot an fSRM-object, two types
predict.fSRMPredict new cases based on a fitted fSRM model
three.personData set on attachment anxiety in 3-person families (based on...
two.groupsData set on negative interactions A simulated dataset,...
two.indicatorsData set on attachment dependency (Cook, 2000) The classic...
update.fSRMRerun a fSRM model with new parameters
fSRM documentation built on Jan. 27, 2021, 5:05 p.m.