nes96: US 1996 national election study

nes96R Documentation

US 1996 national election study


10 variable subset of the 1996 American National Election Study. Missing values and "don't know" responses have been se deleted. Respondents expressing a voting preference other than Clinton or Dole have been removed.


A data frame with 944 observations on the following 10 variables.


population of respondent's location in 1000s of people


days in the past week spent watching news on TV


Left-Right self-placement of respondent: an ordered factor with levels extremely liberal, extLib < liberal, Lib < slightly liberal, sliLib < moderate, Mod < slightly conservative, sliCon < conservative, Con < extremely conservative, extCon


Left-Right placement of Bill Clinton (same scale as selfLR): an ordered factor with levels extLib < Lib < sliLib < Mod < sliCon < Con < extCon


Left-Right placement of Bob Dole (same scale as selfLR): an ordered factor with levels extLib < Lib < sliLib < Mod < sliCon < Con < extCon


Party identification: an ordered factor with levels strong Democrat, strDem < weak Democrat, weakDem < independent Democrat, indDem < independent independentindind < indepedent Republican, indRep < waek Republican, weakRep < strong Republican, strRep


Respondent's age in years


Respondent's education: an ordered factor with levels 8 years or less, MS < high school dropout, HSdrop < high school diploma or GED, HS < some College, Coll < Community or junior College degree, CCdeg < BA degree, BAdeg < postgraduate degree, MAdeg


Respondent's family income: an ordered factor with levels $3Kminus < $3K-$5K < $5K-$7K < $7K-$9K < $9K-$10K < $10K-$11K < $11K-$12K < $12K-$13K < $13K-$14K < $14K-$15K < $15K-$17K < $17K-$20K < $20K-$22K < $22K-$25K < $25K-$30K < $30K-$35K < $35K-$40K < $40K-$45K < $45K-$50K < $50K-$60K < $60K-$75K < $75K-$90K < $90K-$105K < $105Kplus


Expected vote in 1996 presidential election: a factor with levels Clinton and Dole


Sapiro, Virginia, Steven J. Rosenstone, Donald R. Kinder, Warren E. Miller, and the National Election Studies. AMERICAN NATIONAL ELECTION STUDIES, 1992-1997: COMBINED FILE [Computer file]. 2nd ICPSR version. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Center for Political Studies [producer], 1999. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 1999.


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