Man pages for fast
Implementation of the Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (FAST)

double_serieDouble the length of a data series for the FAST algoritm
example_model2Functions to demonstrate FAST
fast-packageImplementation of the Fourier Amplitute Sensitivity Test...
fast_parametersGenerate a parameter set for the FAST method
freq_cukierCalculate independent frequencies according to CUKIER1975 or...
na2meanReplace NA in a vector by mean of neighboring values.
p.sensitivityPlot a vector (e.g. time series) of sensitivities
rerangeLinear transformation of data
SGenerate S-set for FAST method
s_1Generate an s-set for FAST-method
saCalculate sensitivities
sensitivityCalculate sensitivity according to the FAST algorithm
sensitivity_repRepeat calculation of sensitivities for lots of data
fast documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:56 a.m.