
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Page Location Issue

25 printed: tally(death ~ victim, data = DeathPenalty)
correct: tally(death ~ defendant, data = DeathPenalty)

 Exercise 1.20        `geyser` is in the `MASS` package (see page 14).  
                      Use `MASS::geyser` to access this data set.

285 last line printed: $-2n\pi$
correct: $-n\pi$

286 lines 9-10 printed: correct when $\pi_0 = 0$ but overestimates ... when $\pi_0 > 0$
correct: correct when $\pi_0 = 1/2$ but overestimates ... when $\pi_0 \neq 1/2$

331 The problem could be clarified to indicate that the first moment is not useful. The second moment could be used.

373 printed: $W = -2 \log\left(\frac{L(\theta_0)}{L(\hat\theta)} \right) = 2 \left(\log(\hat \theta) - \log(\theta_0)\right) \approx I(\hat \theta) (\theta_0 - \hat\theta)^2$
correct: $W = -2 \log\left( \frac{L(\theta_0)}{L(\hat\theta)} \right) = 2 \left(l(\hat \theta) - l(\theta_0)\right) \approx I(\hat \theta) (\theta_0 - \hat\theta)^2$

380 lines 6, 11, 13 printed: pnorm(), pchisq(), pchisq()
correct: qnorm(), qchisq(), qchisq().

388 printed: The assymptotic distribution of $\Lambda$
correct: The assymptotic distribution of $W = -2 \log(\Lambda)$

389 printed: makLik
correct: maxLik

446 Exercise 5.18 printed: log of the odds ratio
correct: log of the odds

447 line 1 printed: poison
correct: Poisson

498 line 5 printed: internally studentized residuls
correct: internally studentized residuals

747 Exercise A.11 Unfortunately, the weatherData package has been removed from CRAN. Similar data now live in mosaicData::Weather, but the data for several cities are already contained in a single data frame, so there is no need to merge from multiple sources.

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fastR2 documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 9:06 a.m.