
fdm2id.globals <- new.env (emptyenv ())
fdm2id.globals$export <- TRUE

#' @keywords internal
addalpha <-
  function (colors, a = 32)
    return (sapply (colors, function (color)
      rgb = grDevices::col2rgb (color)
      r = rgb [1]
      g = rgb [2]
      b = rgb [3]
      result = c (result, grDevices::rgb (r, g, b, a, maxColorValue = 255))

#' Duplicate and add noise to a dataset
#' This function is a data augmentation technique. It duplicates rows and add gaussian noise to the duplicates.
#' @name augmentation
#' @param dataset The dataset to be split (\code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}).
#' @param target The column index of the target variable (class label or response variable).
#' @param n The scaling factor (as an integer value).
#' @param sigma The baseline variance for the noise generation.
#' @param seed A specified seed for random number generation.
#' @return An augmented dataset.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require (datasets)
#' data (iris)
#' d = augmentation (iris, 5)
#' summary (iris)
#' summary (d)
augmentation <-
  function (dataset, target, n = 5, sigma = .1, seed = NULL)
    std = apply (dataset [, -(target)], 2, stats::sd) * sigma
    copy = dataset [rep (seq_len (nrow (dataset)), n - 1), ]
    set.seed (seed)
    copy [, -(target)] = copy [, -(target)] + mapply (function (x, y) {stats::rnorm (x, y, n = nrow (copy))}, x = 0, y = std)
    res = rbind (dataset, copy)
    return (res)

#' Correlated variables
#' Return the list of correlated variables
#' @name correlated
#' @param d A data matrix.
#' @param threshold The threshold on the (absolute) Pearson coefficient. If NULL, return the most correlated variables.
#' @return The list of correlated variables (as a matrix of column names).
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{cor}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data (iris)
#' correlated (iris)
correlated <-
  function (d, threshold = 0.8)
    factors = NULL
    if (is.factor (d))
      factors = TRUE
    else if (is.vector (d))
      factors = FALSE
      factors = sapply (as.data.frame (d), is.factor)
    if (sum (factors) > 0)
      d = d [, !factors]
    cm = stats::cor (d)
    n = colnames (d)
    l = length (n)
    res = NULL
    if (is.null (threshold))
      cm = abs (cm - diag (l))
      threshold = max (cm)
    res = which (lower.tri (cm) & (abs (cm) >= threshold), arr.ind = TRUE)
    val = cm [res]
    if (nrow (res) == 1)
      res = matrix (n [sort (res [1, ])], ncol = 2)
      res = t (apply (res, 1, sort))
      res = res [order (res [, 1], res [, 2]), ]
      res = apply (res, 2, function (indices) return (n [indices]))
    colnames (res) = c ("Var. 1", "Var. 2")
    res = cbind.data.frame (res, r = val)
    res = res [order (-val), ]
    rownames (res) = 1:nrow (res)
    return (res)

#' Close a graphics device
#' Close the graphics device driver
#' @name closegraphics
#' @seealso \code{\link{exportgraphics}}, \code{\link{toggleexport}}, \code{\link[grDevices]{dev.off}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data (iris)
#' exportgraphics ("export.pdf")
#' plotdata (iris [, -5], iris [, 5])
#' closegraphics()
#' }
closegraphics <-
  function ()
    if (fdm2id.globals$export)
      grDevices::dev.off ()

#' Open a graphics device
#' Starts the graphics device driver
#' @name exportgraphics
#' @param file A character string giving the name of the file.
#' @param type The type of graphics device.
#' @param ... Other parameters.
#' @seealso \code{\link{closegraphics}}, \code{\link{toggleexport}}, \code{\link[grDevices]{Devices}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data (iris)
#' exportgraphics ("export.pdf")
#' plotdata (iris [, -5], iris [, 5])
#' closegraphics()
#' }
exportgraphics <-
  function (file, type = tail (strsplit (file, split = "\\.") [[1]], 1), ...)
    if (is.character (type))
      type = get (type)
    if (fdm2id.globals$export)
      type (file, ...)

#' @rdname toggleexport
#' @export
exportgraphics.off <-
  function ()
    toggleexport (FALSE)

#' @rdname toggleexport
#' @export
exportgraphics.on <-
  function ()
    toggleexport (TRUE)

#' Rotation
#' Rotation on two variables of a numeric dataset
#' @name rotation
#' @param d The dataset.
#' @param angle The angle of the rotation.
#' @param axis The axis.
#' @param range The range of the angle (360, 2*pi, 100, ...)
#' @return A rotated data matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' d = data.parabol ()
#' d [, -3] = rotation (d [, -3], 45, range = 360)
#' plotdata (d [, -3], d [, 3])
rotation = function (d, angle, axis = 1:2, range = 2 * pi)
  theta = 2 * pi * angle / range
  rot = diag (ncol (d))
  rot [axis, axis] = matrix (c (cos (theta), sin (theta), -sin (theta), cos (theta)), ncol = 2)
  res = as.matrix (d) %*% rot
  return (res)

#' Running time
#' Return the running time of a function
#' @name runningtime
#' @param FUN The function to be evaluated.
#' @param ... The parameters to be passes to function \code{FUN}.
#' @return The running time of function \code{FUN}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{difftime}}
#' @examples
#' sqrt (x = 1:100)
#' runningtime (sqrt, x = 1:100)
runningtime <-
  function (FUN, ...)
    start = Sys.time ()
    FUN (...)
    end = Sys.time ()
    return (end - start)

#' Splits a dataset into training set and test set
#' This function splits a dataset into training set and test set. Return an object of class \code{\link{dataset-class}}.
#' @name splitdata
#' @param dataset The dataset to be split (\code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}).
#' @param target The column index of the target variable (class label or response variable).
#' @param size The size of the training set (as an integer value).
#' @param seed A specified seed for random number generation.
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{dataset-class}}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{dataset-class}}
#' @examples
#' require (datasets)
#' data (iris)
#' d = splitdata (iris, 5)
#' str (d)
splitdata <-
  function (dataset, target, size = round (0.7 * nrow (dataset)), seed = NULL)
    set.seed (seed)
    if (size < 1)
      size = round (size * nrow (dataset))
    s = sample (nrow (dataset), size)
    train.x = dataset [s, -target]
    train.y = dataset [s, target]
    test.x = dataset [-s, -target]
    test.y = dataset [-s, target]
    res = list (train.x = train.x, train.y = train.y, test.x = test.x, test.y = test.y)
    class (res) = "dataset"
    return (res)

#' Toggle graphic exports
#' Toggle graphic exports on and off
#' @name toggleexport
#' @aliases exportgraphics.off exportgraphics.on toggleexport.off toggleexport.on
#' @param export If \code{TRUE}, exports are activated, if \code{FALSE}, exports are deactivated. If \code{null}, switches on and off.
#' @seealso \code{\link{closegraphics}}, \code{\link{exportgraphics}}
#' @rdname toggleexport
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data (iris)
#' toggleexport (FALSE)
#' exportgraphics ("export.pdf")
#' plotdata (iris [, -5], iris [, 5])
#' closegraphics()
#' toggleexport (TRUE)
#' exportgraphics ("export.pdf")
#' plotdata (iris [, -5], iris [, 5])
#' closegraphics()
#' }
toggleexport <-
  function (export = NULL)
    if (is.null (export))
      export = !fdm2id.globals$export
    fdm2id.globals$export = export

#' @rdname toggleexport
#' @export
toggleexport.off <-
  function ()
    toggleexport (FALSE)

#' @rdname toggleexport
#' @export
toggleexport.on <-
  function ()
    toggleexport (TRUE)

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fdm2id documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:05 p.m.