
Defines functions panel.cor panel.blank panel.hist histogram

#' @keywords internal
histogram <- function(d, main)
  histogram = graphics::hist (d, xlab = "", main = main, col = "#EB9292", ylab = "")
  graphics::mtext ("Frequency", side = 2, line = 3)
  xlim = c (min (histogram$breaks), max (histogram$breaks))
  ylim = c (0, 1)
  opar = graphics::par (new = TRUE)
  on.exit (graphics::par (opar))
  graphics::plot (stats::density (d), type = "l", col = "blue", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
  graphics::axis (4)
  graphics::mtext ("Density", side = 4, line = 3)

#' Non-negative Matrix Factorization
#' Return the NMF decomposition.
#' @name NMF
#' @param x A numeric dataset (data.frame or matrix).
#' @param rank Specification of the factorization rank.
#' @param nstart How many random sets should be chosen?
#' @param ... Other parameters.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[NMF]{nmf}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' install.packages ("BiocManager")
#' BiocManager::install ("Biobase")
#' install.packages ("NMF")
#' require (datasets)
#' data (iris)
#' NMF (iris [, -5])
#' }
NMF <-
  function (x, rank = 2, nstart = 10, ...)
    res = NULL
    if (requireNamespace ("NMF", quietly = TRUE))
      res = NMF::nmf (x, rank)
      eval = res@residuals
      for (i in 1:(nstart - 1))
        tmp = NMF::nmf (x, rank)
        if (tmp@residuals < eval)
          res = tmp
          eval = res@residuals
      colnames (res@fit@W) = paste ("Dim.", 1:rank)
      message ("Package 'NMF' not installed!")
    return (res)

#' @keywords internal
panel.hist <- function(x, ...)
  usr = graphics::par ("usr")
  on.exit (graphics::par (usr))
  graphics::par (usr = c (usr [1:2], 0, 1.5))
  h = graphics::hist (x, plot = FALSE)
  breaks = h$breaks
  nB = length (breaks)
  y = h$counts
  y = y / max (y)
  graphics::rect (breaks [-nB], 0, breaks [-1], y, col = "grey")

#' @keywords internal
panel.blank <- function(x, y) {}

#' @keywords internal
panel.cor <- function(x, y, digits = 2, prefix = "", cex.cor, ...)
  usr = graphics::par ("usr")
  on.exit (graphics::par (usr))
  graphics::par (usr = c (0, 1, 0, 1))
  r = stats::cor (x, y)
  txt = format (c (r, 0.123456789), digits  =digits) [1]
  txt = paste (prefix, txt, sep = "")
  if (missing (cex.cor))
    cex = 0.6 / graphics::strwidth (txt)
  graphics::text (0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex)

#' Advanced plot function
#' Plot a dataset.
#' @name plotdata
#' @param d A numeric dataset (data.frame or matrix).
#' @param k A categorial variable (vector or factor).
#' @param type The type of graphic to be plotted.
#' @param legendpos Position of the legend
#' @param alpha Color opacity (0-255).
#' @param asp Aspect ratio (default: 1).
#' @param labels Indicates whether or not labels (row names) should be showned on the (scatter) plot.
#' @param ... Other parameters.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require (datasets)
#' data (iris)
#' # Without classification
#' plotdata (iris [, -5]) # Défault (pairs)
#' # With classification
#' plotdata (iris [, -5], iris [, 5]) # Défault (pairs)
#' plotdata (iris, 5) # Column number
#' plotdata (iris) # Automatic detection of the classification (if only one factor column)
#' plotdata (iris, type = "scatter") # Scatter plot (PCA axis)
#' plotdata (iris, type = "parallel") # Parallel coordinates
#' plotdata (iris, type = "boxplot") # Boxplot
#' plotdata (iris, type = "histogram") # Histograms
#' plotdata (iris, type = "heatmap") # Heatmap
#' plotdata (iris, type = "heatmapc") # Heatmap (and hierarchalcal clustering)
#' plotdata (iris, type = "pca") # Scatter plot (PCA axis)
#' plotdata (iris, type = "cda") # Scatter plot (CDA axis)
#' plotdata (iris, type = "svd") # Scatter plot (SVD axis)
#' plotdata (iris, type = "som") # Kohonen map
#' # With only one variable
#' plotdata (iris [, 1], iris [, 5]) # Défault (data vs. index)
#' plotdata (iris [, 1], iris [, 5], type = "scatter") # Scatter plot (data vs. index)
#' plotdata (iris [, 1], iris [, 5], type = "boxplot") # Boxplot
#' # With two variables
#' plotdata (iris [, 3:4], iris [, 5]) # Défault (scatter plot)
#' plotdata (iris [, 3:4], iris [, 5], type = "scatter") # Scatter plot
#' data (titanic)
#' plotdata (titanic, type = "barplot") # Barplots
#' plotdata (titanic, type = "pie") # Pie charts
plotdata <-
  function (d, k = NULL,
            type = c ("pairs", "scatter", "parallel", "boxplot", "histogram", "barplot", "pie", "heatmap", "heatmapc", "pca", "cda", "svd", "nmf", "tsne", "som", "words"),
            legendpos = "topleft", alpha = 200, asp = 1, labels = FALSE, ...)
    factors = NULL
    if (is.factor (d))
      factors = TRUE
    else if (is.vector (d))
      factors = FALSE
      factors = sapply (as.data.frame (d), is.factor)
    if ((type [1] == "barplot") || (type [1] == "pie"))
      d = d [, factors]
      if ((is.null (k)) && (sum (factors) == 1))
        k = d [, factors]
      else if ((length (k) == 1) && (factors [k]))
        k = d [, k]
      if (sum (factors) > 0)
        d = d [, !factors]
    col = 1
    pch = 1
    if (!is.null (k))
      if (!is.factor (k))
        k = factor (k)
      pch = as.numeric (k) + 1
      col = pch
    lcol = sort (unique (col))
    lpch = sort (unique (pch))
    if (length (d) == 0)
      message ("Unavailable plot")
    else if (is.vector (d))
      if ((type [1] == "scatter") | (type [1] == "pairs"))
        graphics::plot (cbind (Index = 1:(length (d)), Data = d), col = col, pch = pch, ...)
        if (!is.null (k))
          graphics::legend (x = legendpos, legend = levels (k), pch = lpch, col = lcol, bty = "n")
      else if (type [1] == "boxplot")
        mini = min (d)
        maxi = max (d)
        names = colnames (d)
        v = 1
        if (!is.null (k))
          graphics::boxplot (d~k, ylim = c (mini, maxi), ylab = "", col = lcol, xaxt='n', xlab = "")
          graphics::legend (x = legendpos, legend = levels (k), fill = lcol, bty = "n")
          graphics::boxplot (d, ylim = c (mini, maxi), ylab = "", col = "grey", xaxt='n', xlab = "")
      else if (type [1] == "histogram")
        histogram (d, "")
      else if (type [1] == "barplot")
        graphics::barplot (table (d), main = "", border = 0)
      else if (type [1] == "pie")
        graphics::pie (table (d), main = "", col = grDevices::colorRampPalette (c ("#E0E0FF", "#4F4FFF")) (nlevels (d)))
      else if (type [1] == "words")
        plotcloud (d, k = k, ...)
        message ("Unavailable plot")
      if ((type [1] == "pairs") & (ncol (d) > 2))
        graphics::pairs (d, upper.panel = panel.cor, diag.panel = panel.hist, pch = pch, col = col, asp = asp, ...)
      else if ((type [1] == "scatter") | (type [1] == "pairs"))
        dd = NULL
        if (ncol (d) == 2)
          dd = d
          dd = FactoMineR::PCA (d, scale.unit = FALSE, ncp = 2, graph = FALSE)$ind$coord [, 1:2]
        if (labels)
          graphics::plot (dd, col = 0, asp = 1, ...)
          graphics::text (dd, row.names (d), col = col)
          graphics::plot (dd, col = col, pch = pch, asp = 1, ...)
        if (!is.null (k))
          graphics::legend (x = legendpos, legend = levels (k), pch = lpch, col = lcol, bty = "n")
      else if (type [1] == "boxplot")
        mini = min (d)
        maxi = max (d)
        names = colnames (d)
        v = 1
        if (!is.null (k))
          nbclusters = length (unique (col))
          nbclusters * ncol (d)
          at = (0:(ncol (d) - 1)) * nbclusters + 1 + (nbclusters - 1) / 2
          v = (1:(ncol (d) - 1)) * nbclusters + .5
          d = utils::stack (d)
          d$cluster = k
          graphics::boxplot (values~cluster+ind, d, ylim = c (mini, maxi), ylab = "", col = 2:(nbclusters + 1), xaxt='n', xlab = "")
          graphics::boxplot (d, ylim = c (mini, maxi), ylab = "", col = "grey", xaxt='n', xlab = "")
          at = 1:ncol (d)
        graphics::axis (side = 1, at = at, labels = names, lwd.ticks = FALSE, lwd = 0)
        if (!is.null (k))
          graphics::abline (v = v, lty = 2, col = "grey")
          graphics::legend (x = legendpos, legend = levels (k), fill = lcol, bty = "n")
      else if (type [1] == "pca")
        dd = FactoMineR::PCA (d, scale.unit = FALSE, ncp = 2, graph = FALSE)$ind$coord [, 1:2]
        if (labels)
          graphics::plot (dd, col = 0, asp = 1, ...)
          graphics::text (dd, row.names (d), col = col)
          graphics::plot (dd, col = col, pch = pch, asp = 1, ...)
        if (!is.null (k))
          graphics::legend (x = legendpos, legend = levels (k), pch = lpch, col = lcol, bty = "n")
      else if (type [1] == "cda")
        if (is.null (k))
          message ("Unavailable plot")
          dd = CDA (d, k)$proj [, 1:2]
          if (labels)
            graphics::plot (dd, col = 0, asp = 1, ...)
            graphics::text (dd, row.names (d), col = col)
            graphics::plot (dd, col = col, pch = pch, asp = 1, ...)
          graphics::legend (x = legendpos, legend = levels (k), pch = lpch, col = lcol, bty = "n")
      else if (type [1] == "svd")
        dd = SVD (d)$proj$ind [, 1:2]
        if (labels)
          graphics::plot (dd, col = 0, asp = 1, ...)
          graphics::text (dd, row.names (d), col = col)
          graphics::plot (dd, col = col, pch = pch, asp = 1, ...)
        if (!is.null (k))
          graphics::legend (x = legendpos, legend = levels (k), pch = lpch, col = lcol, bty = "n")
      else if (type [1] == "nmf")
        dd = NMF (d)@fit@W [, 1:2]
        if (labels)
          graphics::plot (dd, col = 0, asp = 1, ...)
          graphics::text (dd, row.names (d), col = col)
          graphics::plot (dd, col = col, pch = pch, asp = 1, ...)
        if (!is.null (k))
          graphics::legend (x = legendpos, legend = levels (k), pch = lpch, col = lcol, bty = "n")
      else if (type [1] == "tsne")
        dd = TSNE (d, ...)$Y
        if (labels)
          withCallingHandlers (suppressWarnings (graphics::plot (dd, col = 0, asp = 1, ...)), warning = function(w) {message(w)})
          graphics::text (dd, row.names (d), col = col)
          withCallingHandlers (suppressWarnings (graphics::plot (dd, col = col, pch = pch, asp = 1, ...)), warning = function(w) {message(w)})
        if (!is.null (k))
          graphics::legend (x = legendpos, legend = levels (k), pch = lpch, col = lcol, bty = "n")
      else if (type [1] == "som")
        d = data.frame (Data = d)
        som = SOM (d, ...)
        if (is.null (k))
          graphics::plot (som, type = "mapping", labels = labels)
          graphics::plot (som, type = "mapping", col = col, labels = labels)
          graphics::legend (x = legendpos, legend = levels (k), fill = lcol, bty = "n")
      else if (type [1] == "heatmap")
        d = as.matrix (d)
        stats::heatmap (d, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, cexRow = 0.2 + 1 / log10 (nrow (d) * 10), cexCol = 0.2 + 1 / log10 (ncol (d) * 10))
      else if (type [1] == "heatmapc")
        d = as.matrix (d)
        stats::heatmap (d, hclustfun = HCA, cexRow = 0.2 + 1 / log10 (nrow (d) * 10), cexCol = 0.2 + 1 / log10 (ncol (d) * 10))
      else if (type [1] == "parallel")
        col = NULL
        if (is.null (k))
          n = nrow (d)
          col = grDevices::rainbow (n) [sample (n, n)]
          col = as.numeric (k) + 1
        MASS::parcoord (d, col = col)
      else if (type [1] == "histogram")
        n = ncol (d)
        nrow = round (sqrt (n))
        ncol = ceiling (n / nrow)
        graphics::layout (matrix (1:(nrow * ncol), ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE))
        on.exit (graphics::layout (1))
        for (i in 1:n)
          histogram (d [, i], colnames (d) [i])
      else if (type [1] == "barplot")
        n = ncol (d)
        nrow = round (sqrt (n))
        ncol = ceiling (n / nrow)
        graphics::layout (matrix (1:(nrow * ncol), ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE))
        on.exit (graphics::layout (1))
        for (i in 1:n)
          graphics::barplot (table (d [, i]), main = colnames (d) [i], border = 0)
      else if (type [1] == "pie")
        n = ncol (d)
        nrow = round (sqrt (n))
        ncol = ceiling (n / nrow)
        graphics::layout (matrix (1:(nrow * ncol), ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE))
        on.exit (graphics::layout (1))
        for (i in 1:n)
          graphics::pie (table (d [, i]), main = colnames (d) [i], col = grDevices::colorRampPalette (c ("#E0E0FF", "#4F4FFF")) (nlevels (d [, i])))

#' Singular Value Decomposition
#' Return the SVD decomposition.
#' @name SVD
#' @param x A numeric dataset (data.frame or matrix).
#' @param ndim The number of dimensions.
#' @param ... Other parameters.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{svd}}
#' @examples
#' require (datasets)
#' data (iris)
#' SVD (iris [, -5])
SVD <-
  function (x, ndim = min (nrow (x), ncol (x)), ...)
    res = svd (x, nu = ndim, nv = ndim)
    ind = res$u %*% diag (res$d [1:ndim])
    rownames (ind) = rownames (x)
    colnames (ind) = paste ("Dim.", 1:ncol (ind))
    var = res$v %*% diag (res$d [1:ndim])
    rownames (var) = colnames (x)
    colnames (var) = paste ("Dim.", 1:ncol (var))
    proj = list (ind = ind, var = var)
    res = c (res, proj = list (proj))
    return (res)

#' t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
#' Return the t-SNE dimensionality reduction.
#' @name TSNE
#' @param x A numeric dataset (data.frame or matrix).
#' @param perplexity Specification of the perplexity.
#' @param nstart How many random sets should be chosen?
#' @param ... Other parameters.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[Rtsne]{Rtsne}}
#' @examples
#' require (datasets)
#' data (iris)
#' TSNE (iris [, -5])
  function (x, perplexity = 30, nstart = 10, ...)
    d = unique (x)
    res = Rtsne::Rtsne (d, perplexity = perplexity, ...)
    eval = utils::tail (res$itercosts, 1)
    for (i in 1:(nstart - 1))
      tmp = Rtsne::Rtsne (d, perplexity = perplexity, ...)
      if (utils::tail (res$itercosts, 1) < eval)
        res = tmp
        eval = utils::tail (res$itercosts, 1)
    rownames (res$Y) = rownames (d)
    colnames (res$Y) = paste ("Dim.", 1:ncol (res$Y))
    return (res)

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