as.ff: Coercing ram to ff and ff to ram objects

View source: R/generics.R

as.ffR Documentation

Coercing ram to ff and ff to ram objects


Coercing ram to ff and ff to ram objects while optionally modifying object features.


  as.ff(x, ...)
  as.ram(x, ...)
  ## Default S3 method:
as.ff(x, filename = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'ff'
as.ff(x, filename = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, ...)
  ## Default S3 method:
as.ram(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'ff'
as.ram(x, ...)



any object to be coerced


path and filename


TRUE to overwrite the old filename




If as.ff.ff is called on an 'ff' object or as.ram.default is called on a non-ff object AND no changes are required, the input object 'x' is returned unchanged. Otherwise the workhorse clone.ff is called. If no change of features are requested, the filename attached to the object remains unchanged, otherwise a new filename is requested (or can be set by the user).


A ram or ff object.


If you use ram <- as.ram(ff) for caching, please note that you must close.ff before you can write back as.ff(ram, overwrite=TRUE) (see examples).


Jens Oehlschlägel

See Also

as.ff.bit, ff, clone , as.vmode, vmode, as.hi


   message("create ff")
   myintff <- ff(1:12)
   message("coerce (=clone) integer ff to double ff")
   mydoubleff <- as.ff(myintff, vmode="double")
   message("cache (=clone) integer ff to integer ram AND close original ff")
   myintram <- as.ram(myintff) # filename is retained
   message("modify ram cache and write back (=clone) to ff")
   myintram[1] <- -1L
   myintff <- as.ff(myintram, overwrite=TRUE)
   message("coerce (=clone) integer ram to double ram")
   mydoubleram <- as.ram(myintram, vmode="double")
   message("coerce (inplace) integer ram to double ram")
   myintram <- as.ram(myintram, vmode="double")
   message("more classic: coerce (inplace) double ram to integer ram")
   vmode(myintram) <- "integer"
   rm(myintff, myintram, mydoubleff, mydoubleram); gc()

ff documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:38 a.m.

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