
Defines functions checkStream checkStream checkBooleans checkPrechange checkEWMAMeanCDargs checkCUSUMMeanCDargs checkAFFMeanCDargs checkFFFMeanCDargs checkAFFargs checkFFFargs getIsAboveErrorMessage getExistsErrorMessage doesNotExist getInBoundsErrorMessage getFiniteErrorMessage getMissingErrorMessage modifyValueStr modifyFunctionPrefix

Documented in checkAFFargs checkAFFMeanCDargs checkBooleans checkCUSUMMeanCDargs checkEWMAMeanCDargs checkFFFargs checkFFFMeanCDargs checkPrechange checkStream doesNotExist getExistsErrorMessage getFiniteErrorMessage getInBoundsErrorMessage getIsAboveErrorMessage getMissingErrorMessage modifyFunctionPrefix modifyValueStr

#' Modify the function name prefix
#' Add some text to the function name so it fits in with the error message.
#' @param functionName The function name.
#' @keywords internal
modifyFunctionPrefix <- function(functionName){
    return( paste0("in ", functionName, " :\n    ") )

#' Modify the string containing the value
#' Create a string with the value to be used in an error message.
#' @param value The value of the offending parameter.
#' @keywords internal
modifyValueStr <- function(value){
    return( paste0(" (value=", value, ")") )

#' Create the error message for a certain parameter that is missing
#' For a particular parameter, create an error message specifying that
#' the parameter is missing.
#' @param paramName Name of parameter, e.g. \code{lambda}
#' @param algoName Name of algorithm, e.g. \code{AFF change detector}
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging.
#' @keywords internal
getMissingErrorMessage <- function(paramName, algoName=NULL, functionName=""){
    algoString <- ""
    if (is.null(algoName)){
        #do nothing
    } else {
        algoString <- paste0("of ", algoName, " ")
    if (functionName != ""){
        functionName <- modifyFunctionPrefix(functionName)
    missingMessage <- paste0(functionName, paramName, " is missing - initialisation ", algoString, "failed.")

#' Create the error message for a certain parameter that is not finite
#' For a particular parameter, create an error message specifying that
#' the parameter is not finite (i.e. not numeric and not NaN)
#' @param paramName Name of parameter, e.g. \code{lambda}
#' @param value The value of the non-finite parameter
#' @param algoName Name of algorithm, e.g. \code{AFF change detector}
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging.
#' @keywords internal
getFiniteErrorMessage <- function(paramName, value=NULL, algoName=NULL, functionName=""){
    algoString <- ""
    if (is.null(algoName)){
        #do nothing
    } else {
        algoString <- paste0("of ", algoName, " ")
    if (functionName != ""){
        functionName <- modifyFunctionPrefix(functionName)
    valueStr <- ""
    if ( !(is.null(value)) ){
        valueStr <- modifyValueStr(value)
    finiteMessage <- paste0(functionName, paramName, valueStr, " is not a finite numeric value - initialisation ", algoString, "failed.")

#' Create the error message for a certain parameter outside its bounds
#' For a particular parameter, create an error message specifying that
#' the parameter is outside its bounds.
#' @param paramName Name of parameter, e.g. \code{lambda}
#' @param value The value of the non-finite parameter
#' @param lowerBound Lower bound of range, e.g. \code{0}.
#' @param upperBound Upper bound of range, e.g. \code{1}.
#' @param algoName Name of algorithm, e.g. \code{AFF change detector}
#' @param strictly Use "[" or "(" \code{strictly=FALSE} means "[" and  
#'        \code{strictly=TRUE} means "("
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @keywords internal
getInBoundsErrorMessage <- function(paramName, value=NULL, lowerBound, upperBound, algoName=NULL, strictly=FALSE, functionName=""){
    algoString <- ""
    if (is.null(algoName)){
        #do nothing
    } else {
        algoString <- paste0("of ", algoName, " ")
    openB <- "["
    closedB <- "]"
    if (strictly){
        openB <- "("
        closedB <- ")"
    if (functionName != ""){
        functionName <- modifyFunctionPrefix(functionName)
    valueStr <- ""
    if ( !(is.null(value)) ){
        valueStr <- modifyValueStr(value)
    inBoundsMessage <- paste0(functionName, paramName, valueStr, " is not in range ", openB, lowerBound, ", ", upperBound, closedB, " - initialisation ", algoString, "failed.")

#' Check if an object exists
#' For a particular parameter, check if the object with that name exists
#' @param object The object.
#' @keywords internal
doesNotExist <- function(object){
    #From Brian Ripley:
    if ( exists(as.character(substitute(object))) ){
#        cat("EXISTS value: ", object, "\n")
        return (FALSE)
#        cat("DOES NOT exist value: ", object, "\n")

#' Create the error message for a certain parameter that does not exist
#' For a particular parameter, create an error message specifying that
#' the parameter does not exist (e.g. \code{Na}, which is not the same
#' as \code{NA}).
#' @param paramName Name of parameter, e.g. \code{lambda}
#' @param value The name of the object that does not exist.
#' @param algoName Name of algorithm, e.g. \code{AFF change detector}
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging.
#' @keywords internal
getExistsErrorMessage <- function(paramName, value=NULL, algoName=NULL, functionName=""){
    algoString <- ""
    if (is.null(algoName)){
        #do nothing
    } else {
        algoString <- paste0("of ", algoName, " ")
    if (functionName != ""){
        functionName <- modifyFunctionPrefix(functionName)
    valueStr <- ""
    if ( !(is.null(value)) ){
#        valueStr <- modifyValueStr( as.character(substitute(value)) )
        valueStr <- paste0(" ", value)
    finiteMessage <- paste0(functionName, "value used for ", paramName, " does not exist - initialisation ", algoString, "failed.")

#' Create the error message for a certain parameter not above a threshold
#' For a particular parameter, create an error message specifying that
#' the parameter is not above a minimum threshold
#' @param paramName Name of parameter, e.g. \code{lambda}
#' @param value The value of the non-finite parameter
#' @param lowerBound Lower bound of range, e.g. \code{0}.
#' @param algoName Name of algorithm, e.g. \code{AFF change detector}
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @keywords internal
getIsAboveErrorMessage <- function(paramName, value=NULL, lowerBound, algoName=NULL, functionName=""){
    algoString <- ""
    if (is.null(algoName)){
        #do nothing
    } else {
        algoString <- paste0("of ", algoName, " ")
    if (functionName != ""){
        functionName <- modifyFunctionPrefix(functionName)
    valueStr <- ""
    if ( !(is.null(value)) ){
        valueStr <- modifyValueStr(value)
    isAboveMessage <- paste0(functionName, paramName, value, " is not greater than ", lowerBound, " - initialisation ", algoString, "failed.")

#' Check the arguments for FFF (no change detection)
#' A function which will do all the checks for FFF, check the parameters
#' are in the proper ranges, etc. Does not return any values.
#' @param lambda The value of the FFF. Must be finite, in range [0,1], etc.
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @keywords internal
checkFFFargs <- function(lambda, functionName=""){
    LAMBDAMIN <- 0
    LAMBDAMAX <- 1
#    if ( doesNotExist(lambda) ){
#        stop(getExistsErrorMessage(paramName="lambda", algoName="AFF", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
#    }

    #check it is numeric, else warning
    #is.finite better than is.numeric, because is.numeric return TRUE for NaN
    if (is.finite(lambda)){ 
        if ( isInBounds(lambda, LAMBDAMIN, LAMBDAMAX) ){
            stop(getInBoundsErrorMessage(paramName="lambda", value=lambda, lowerBound=LAMBDAMIN, upperBound=LAMBDAMAX, algoName="FFF", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    } else {
        #if is NOT finite
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="lambda", value=lambda, algoName="FFF", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #no need to return anything.

#' Check the arguments for AFF (no change detection)
#' A function which will do all the checks for AFF, check the parameters
#' are in the proper ranges, etc. Does not return any values.
#' @param eta The value of the step size in the gradient descent. 
#'            Must be finite, in range [0,1], etc.
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @keywords internal
checkAFFargs <- function(eta, functionName=""){
    ETAMIN <- 0
    ETAMAX <- 1

#    if ( doesNotExist(eta) ){
#        stop(getExistsErrorMessage(paramName="eta", algoName="AFF", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
#    }

    #check it is numeric, else warning
    #is.finite better than is.numeric, because is.numeric return TRUE for NaN
    if (is.finite(eta)){ 
        if ( isInBounds(eta, ETAMIN, ETAMAX) ){
            stop(getInBoundsErrorMessage(paramName="eta", value=eta, lowerBound=ETAMIN, upperBound=ETAMAX, algoName="AFF", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    } else {
        #eta is NOT finite
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="eta", value=eta, algoName="AFF", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #no need to return anything.

#' Check the arguments for FFF change detection initialisation
#' A function which will do all the checks for FFFcd, check the parameters
#' are in the proper ranges, etc. Does not return any values.
#' @param lambda The value of the FFF. Must be finite, in range [0,1], etc.
#' @param alpha The value of the threshold. Must be finite, in (0,1), etc.
#' @param BL The value of the burn-in length. Must be finite, above 0, etc.
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @return The truncated burn-in length (since it must be an integer).
#' @keywords internal
checkFFFMeanCDargs <- function(alpha, lambda, BL, functionName=""){
    LAMBDAMIN <- 0
    LAMBDAMAX <- 1
    BLMIN <- 0
    ALPHAMIN <- 0
    ALPHAMAX <- 1

    #lambda cannot be missing
    if (missing(lambda)){
        stop(getMissingErrorMessage(paramName="lambda", algoName="FFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
#    if ( doesNotExist(lambda) ){
#        stop(getExistsErrorMessage(paramName="lambda", algoName="FFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
#    }
    #check it is numeric, else warning
    #is.finite better than is.numeric, because is.numeric return TRUE for NaN
    if (! (is.finite(lambda))){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="lambda", algoName="FFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    if ( !(isInBounds(lambda, LAMBDAMIN, LAMBDAMAX)) ){
        stop(getInBoundsErrorMessage(paramName="lambda", lowerBound=LAMBDAMIN, upperBound=LAMBDAMAX, algoName="FFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)

    #alpha cannot be missing
    if (missing(alpha)){
        stop(getMissingErrorMessage(paramName="alpha", algoName="FFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
#    if ( doesNotExist(alpha) ){
#        stop(getExistsErrorMessage(paramName="alpha", algoName="FFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
#    }
    #check it is numeric, else warning
    #is.finite better than is.numeric, because is.numeric return TRUE for NaN
    if (! (is.finite(alpha))){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="alpha", algoName="FFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #alpha must be strictly in range (0, 1)
    if ( !(isInBoundsStrictly(alpha, ALPHAMIN, ALPHAMAX)) ){
        stop(getInBoundsErrorMessage(paramName="alpha", lowerBound=ALPHAMIN, upperBound=ALPHAMAX, algoName="FFF change detector", strictly=TRUE, functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #BL must be finite
#    if ( doesNotExist(BL) ){
#        stop(getExistsErrorMessage(paramName="BL", algoName="FFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
#    }
    if (! (is.finite(BL)) ){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="BL", algoName="FFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #BL must be above min, and truncated
    if ( !(isAboveBound(BL, BLMIN)) ){
        stop(getIsAboveErrorMessage(paramName="BL", lowerBound=BLMIN, algoName="FFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #BL must be an integer - so force truncation
    BL <- trunc(BL)


    #no need to return anything.

#' Check the arguments for AFF mean change detector
#' A function which will do all the checks for AFF, check the parameters
#' are in the proper ranges, etc. Does not return any values.
#' @param alpha The value of the threshold. Must be finite, in (0,1), etc.
#' @param eta The value of the step size in the gradient descent. 
#'            Must be finite, in range [0,1], etc.
#' @param BL The value of the burn-in length. Must be finite, above 0, etc.
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @keywords internal
checkAFFMeanCDargs <- function(alpha, eta, BL, functionName=""){
    BLMIN <- 2
    BL_ZERO <- 0
    ALPHAMIN <- 0
    ALPHAMAX <- 1
    ETAMIN <- 0
    ETAMAX <- 1

    #alpha cannot be missing
    if (missing(alpha)){
        stop(getMissingErrorMessage(paramName="alpha", algoName="AFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
#    if ( doesNotExist(alpha) ){
#        stop(getExistsErrorMessage(paramName="alpha", algoName="AFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
#    }
    #check it is numeric, else warning
    #is.finite better than is.numeric, because is.numeric return TRUE for NaN
    if (! (is.finite(alpha))){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="alpha", algoName="AFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #alpha must be strictly in range (0, 1)
    if ( !(isInBoundsStrictly(alpha, ALPHAMIN, ALPHAMAX)) ){
        stop(getInBoundsErrorMessage(paramName="alpha", lowerBound=ALPHAMIN, upperBound=ALPHAMAX, algoName="AFF change detector", strictly=TRUE, functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)

#    if ( doesNotExist(eta) ){
#        stop(getExistsErrorMessage(paramName="eta", algoName="AFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
#    }
    #check it is numeric, else warning
    #is.finite better than is.numeric, because is.numeric return TRUE for NaN
    if (is.finite(eta)){ 
        if ( isInBounds(eta, ETAMIN, ETAMAX) ){
            etaRangeMessage <- paste("eta is not in range [", ETAMIN, ", ", ETAMAX, "] - initialisation failed.", sep="")
        stop(getInBoundsErrorMessage(paramName="eta", lowerBound=ETAMIN, upperBound=ETAMAX, algoName="AFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    } else {
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="eta", algoName="AFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)

    #BL must be finite
    if (! (is.finite(BL)) ){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="BL", algoName="AFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #BL must be above min, and truncated
    if ( !(isAboveBound(BL, BLMIN)) && !(BL == BL_ZERO) ){
        stop(getIsAboveErrorMessage(paramName="BL", lowerBound=BLMIN, algoName="AFF change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #BL must be an integer - so force truncation
    BL <- trunc(BL)

#' Check the arguments for 'CUSUM' mean change detector
#' A function which will do all the checks for AFF, check the parameters
#' are in the proper ranges, etc. Does not return any values.
#' @param k One of the 'CUSUM' control parameters. Must be finite, etc.
#' @param h One of the 'CUSUM' control parameters. Must be finite, etc.
#' @param BL The value of the burn-in length. Must be finite, above 0, etc.
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @keywords internal
checkCUSUMMeanCDargs <- function(k, h, BL, functionName=""){
    BLMIN <- 0
    #check it is numeric, else warning
    #is.finite better than is.numeric, because is.numeric return TRUE for NaN
    if (! (is.finite(k))){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="k", algoName="'CUSUM' change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    if (! (is.finite(h))){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="h", algoName="'CUSUM' change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #BL must be finite
    if (! (is.finite(BL)) ){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="BL", algoName="'CUSUM' change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #BL must be above min, and truncated
    if ( !(isAboveBound(BL, BLMIN)) ){
        stop(getIsAboveErrorMessage(paramName="BL", lowerBound=BLMIN, algoName="'CUSUM' change detector",functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #BL must be an integer - so force truncation
    BL <- trunc(BL)

#' Check the arguments for 'EWMA' mean change detector
#' A function which will do all the checks for AFF, check the parameters
#' are in the proper ranges, etc. Does not return any values.
#' @param r One of the 'EWMA' control parameters. Must be finite, etc.
#' @param L One of the 'EWMA' control parameters. Must be finite, etc.
#' @param BL The value of the burn-in length. Must be finite, above 0, etc.
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @keywords internal
checkEWMAMeanCDargs <- function(r, L, BL, functionName=""){
    BLMIN <- 0
    RMIN <- 0
    RMAX <- 1

    #check it is numeric, else warning
    #is.finite better than is.numeric, because is.numeric return TRUE for NaN
    if (is.finite(r)){
        if ( isInBounds(r, RMIN, RMAX) ){
            stop(getInBoundsErrorMessage(paramName="r", value=r, lowerBound=RMIN, upperBound=RMAX, algoName="EWMA", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    } else{
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="r", algoName="'EWMA' change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)

    if (! (is.finite(L))){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="L", algoName="'EWMA' change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #BL must be finite
    if (! (is.finite(BL)) ){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="BL", algoName="'EWMA' change detector", functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #BL must be above min, and truncated
    if ( !(isAboveBound(BL, BLMIN)) ){
        stop(getIsAboveErrorMessage(paramName="BL", lowerBound=BLMIN, algoName="'EWMA' change detector",functionName=functionName), call.=FALSE)
    #BL must be an integer - so force truncation
    BL <- trunc(BL)

#' Check the prechange mean, sigma and variance are appropriately defined
#' If \code{usePrechange} was set to \code{TRUE}, then \code{prechangeMean}
#' must not be \code{NULL}, and at least one of \code{prechangeSigma} and
#' \code{prechangeVar} must not be \code{NULL}.
#' @param prechangeMean The prechange mean. Should not be \code{NULL}.
#' @param prechangeSigma The prechange standard deviation. 
#'                       Either it or \code{prechangeVar} must not 
#'                       be \code{NULL}.
#' @param prechangeVar The prechange variance.
#'                     Either it or \code{prechangeSigma} must not 
#'                     be \code{NULL}.
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @keywords internal
checkPrechange <- function(prechangeMean, prechangeSigma, prechangeVar, functionName=""){

    if (is.null(prechangeMean)){
        message <- paste0(functionName, " - usePrechange is TRUE, but prechangeMean is NULL - initialisation failed.")

    if ( !(is.null(prechangeMean)) & !(is.finite(prechangeMean)) ){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="prechangeMean", functionName=functionName))

    if ( (is.null(prechangeVar)) & (is.null(prechangeSigma)) ){
        message <- paste0(functionName, " - usePrechange is TRUE, but both prechangeSigma and prechangeVar are NULL - initialisation failed.")

    if ( !(is.null(prechangeSigma)) & !(is.finite(prechangeMean)) ){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="prechangeSigma", functionName=functionName))
    if ( !(is.null(prechangeVar)) & !(is.finite(prechangeMean)) ){
        stop(getFiniteErrorMessage(paramName="prechangeVar", functionName=functionName))

#' Check the multiple and single flags, as well as usePrechange and skipCheck
#' Make sure the booleans \code{multiple} and \code{single} are not both 
#' \code{NULL}. Also 
#' @param multiple A boolean
#' @param single A boolean
#' @param usePrechange A boolean
#' @param skipCheck A boolean
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @keywords internal
checkBooleans <- function(multiple, single, usePrechange, skipCheck, functionName=""){

    if ( !(is.logical(multiple)) ) {
        message <- paste0(functionName, " - 'multiple' is not a boolean - initialisation failed.")

    if ( !(is.logical(single)) ) {
        message <- paste0(functionName, " - 'single' is not a boolean - initialisation failed.")

    #check if usePrechange is not null
    if (is.null(usePrechange)==FALSE){
        #then it must be a boolean
        if ( !(is.logical(usePrechange)) ) {
            #if not, stop
            message <- paste0(functionName, " - 'usePrechange' is NULL and also not a booleans - initialisation failed.")

    if ( !(is.logical(skipCheck)) ) {
        message <- paste0(functionName, " - 'skipCheck' is not a boolean - initialisation failed.")

    # Cannot use multiple=TRUE and usePrechange=TRUE
    # Must use burn-in for multiple.
    # Because even if prechange values were known,  before the first change,
    # they would probably not be known for the second change.
    # It is possible that support may be added for this later, but not now.
    if (  (usePrechange==TRUE) && (single==FALSE) ){
        message1 <- paste0("using prechange values with multiple changepoint detection is disabled. ")
        message2 <- paste0("Either use 'single=TRUE' when using prechange values, or do not use prechange values.")
        message <- paste0(functionName, " - ", message1, message2, " - initialisation failed.")


#' Check the stream consists of finite numeric values
#' Check the stream does not have any NULLs, NAs, infs, etc
#' @param x The stream
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @keywords internal
checkStream <- function(x, functionName=""){
    if (is.null(x)){
        message <- paste0(functionName, " the stream 'x' is NULL - initialisation failed.")

    if (any(is.na(x))){
        message <- paste0(functionName, " the stream 'x' contains NA values - initialisation failed.")

    if (any(is.nan(x))){
        message <- paste0(functionName, " the stream 'x' contains NaN values - initialisation failed.")

    if (any(is.infinite(x))){
        message <- paste0(functionName, " the stream 'x' contains non-finite values - initialisation failed.")

#' Check skipChecks
#' Check if the skipChecks parameter is a boolean (it should be).
#' @param skipChecks A boolean
#' @param functionName The name of the original function which is being
#'                      called to check the parameters. Will help user
#'                      with debugging. Default is \code{""}, in which
#'                      case no function name will be displayed.
#' @keywords internal
checkStream <- function(x, functionName=""){
    if (is.null(x)){
        message <- paste0(functionName, " the stream 'x' is NULL - initialisation failed.")

    if (any(is.na(x))){
        message <- paste0(functionName, " the stream 'x' contains NA values - initialisation failed.")

    if (any(is.nan(x))){
        message <- paste0(functionName, " the stream 'x' contains NaN values - initialisation failed.")

    if (any(is.infinite(x))){
        message <- paste0(functionName, " the stream 'x' contains non-finite values - initialisation failed.")

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ffstream documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:53 p.m.