Man pages for fhidata
Structural Data for Norway

countries_nb_to_enCountry names
daysDates of different days within isoweekyears
nor_charNorwegian characters in unicode
norway_childhood_vaxChildhood vaccination rates in Norway
norway_locations_currentNames of areas in Norway that currently exist.
norway_locations_long_currentNames of areas in Norway that currently exist.
norway_locations_long_originalNames of areas in Norway that previously existed.
norway_locations_originalNames of areas in Norway that previously existed.
norway_map_countiesMaps of Norwegian Counties.
norway_map_municipsMaps of Norwegian Municipalities
norway_municip_mergingRedistricting in Norway.
norway_population_currentPopulation in Norway.
norway_population_originalPopulation in Norway.
senorge1x1km grids to Norwegian municipalities
fhidata documentation built on Aug. 29, 2019, 5:09 p.m.