#' Red significance and red trend
#' Filters data returned by the fingertips_data function for values for areas
#' that are trending statistically significantly worse and the spot value is
#' significantly worse than the comparator (England or Parent) value in the
#' latest year of that indicator
#' @return A data frame of data extracted from
#' the Fingertips API
#' @param Comparator String, either "England" or "Parent" to determine which
#' field to compare the spot value significance to
#' @param ... Parameters provided to fingertips_data()
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Returns data for the two selected domains at county and unitary authority geography
#' reddata <- fingertips_redred(ProfileID = 26, AreaTypeID = 102)}
#' @family data extract functions
#' @export
fingertips_redred <- function(Comparator = "England", ...) {
fingertips_redred <- fingertips_data(...)
filter_field <- names(fingertips_redred)[grepl("^Compared", names(fingertips_redred))]
if (Comparator == "England") {
filter_field <- filter_field[grepl("^ComparedtoEngland", filter_field)]
} else if (Comparator == "Parent") {
filter_field <- filter_field[!grepl("Comparedtogoal|ComparedtoEngland", filter_field)]
} else if (Comparator == "Goal") {
filter_field <- filter_field[grepl("^Comparedtogoal", filter_field)]
} else {
stop("Comparator must be either England, Parent or Goal")
fingertips_redred <- fingertips_redred %>%
group_by(IndicatorID, Sex, Age, CategoryType, Category) %>%
filter(TimeperiodSortable == max(TimeperiodSortable) &
grepl("[Ww]orse", RecentTrend) &
grepl("[Ww]orse", !!
#' High level statistics on Fingertips data
#' A sentence that summarises the number of indicators, unique indicators and
#' profiles
#' @return A string that summarises the high level statistics of indicators and
#' profiles in Fingertips
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Returns a sentence describing number of indicators and profiles in Fingertips
#' fingertips_stats()}
#' @export
fingertips_stats <- function() {
fingertips_stats <- indicators()
summarised_stats <- fingertips_stats %>%
summarise_if(is.integer, n_distinct)
fingertips_stats <- sprintf("On %s Fingertips consisted of %s profiles, made up of %s indicators and %s distinct indicators.",
format(Sys.Date(), "%d/%m/%Y"),
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