## ----packages-----------------------------------------------------------------
## ----indicators---------------------------------------------------------------
inds <- indicators_unique()
life_expectancy <- inds[grepl("life expectancy", tolower(inds$IndicatorName)),]
## ----display_indicators, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------
knitr::kable(life_expectancy, row.names = FALSE)
## ----area type----------------------------------------------------------------
areaTypes <- area_types()
## ----display_area_types, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------
DT::datatable(areaTypes, filter = "top", rownames = FALSE)
## ----dist, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
knitr::kable(areaTypes[areaTypes$AreaTypeID == 202, ],
row.names = FALSE)
## ----extract------------------------------------------------------------------
indicators <- c(90362, 90366)
data <- fingertips_data(IndicatorID = indicators,
AreaTypeID = 202)
## ----display_fingertips_data_outputs, echo=FALSE------------------------------
split.tables = 90,
keep.line.breaks = TRUE)
## ----refine variables---------------------------------------------------------
cols <- c("IndicatorID", "AreaCode", "ParentName", "Sex", "Timeperiod", "Value")
area_type_name <- table(data$AreaType) # tally each group in the AreaType field
area_type_name <- area_type_name[area_type_name == max(area_type_name)] # pick the group with the highest frequency
area_type_name <- names(area_type_name) # retrieve the name
data <- data[data$AreaType == area_type_name &
data$Timeperiod == "2012 - 14", cols]
## ----plot, fig.width=8, fig.height=5, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------
ggplot(data, aes(x = reorder(ParentName, Value, median), y = Value, col = factor(IndicatorID))) +
geom_boxplot(data = data[data$IndicatorID == 90366, ]) +
geom_boxplot(data = data[data$IndicatorID == 90362, ]) +
facet_wrap(~ Sex) +
scale_colour_manual(name = "Indicator",
breaks = c("90366", "90362"),
labels = c("Life expectancy", "Healthy life expectancy"),
values = c("#128c4a", "#88c857")) +
labs(x = "Region",
y = "Age",
title = "Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at birth \nfor Upper Tier Local Authorities within England regions (2012 - 2014)") +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,
hjust = 1))
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