context("FitAnalyzer tests")
test_that("FitAnalyzer test cases", {
masterPath <-
system.file("extdata", "daily-time-series", package = "fitcoach")
### Tests for daily analysis
# Test 1 - Initializing and dataframe creation
ana <- FitAnalyzer$new("calories")
ts <-
ana$getAnalysisFrame(folder = masterPath, analysis.type = "daily")
expect_equal(nrow(ts), 191)
# Test 2 - Find important variables
vars <- ana$findImportantVariables(tsDataFrame = ts, seed = 12345)
expect_equal(vars$name[1], "minutesLightlyActive")
# Test 3 - Find important variables, without arguments
vars <- ana$findImportantVariables()
expect_equal(names(vars[1]), "Overall")
# Test 4 - Goal prediction
rows.test <- ts[c(3,7,10), ]
rows.test <- createDependentVariableFrame(master = rows.test, goal = "calories")
res <- ana$predictGoal(rows.test)
expect_less_than(res[1], 2820)
expect_gte(res[1], 2819)
### Tests for intra-day analysis
# Test 5 - Initializing and dataframe creation
masterPath <-
system.file("extdata", "intra-daily-timeseries", package = "fitcoach")
ana <- FitAnalyzer$new("calories")
intra <-
ana$getAnalysisFrame(folder = masterPath, analysis.type = "")
expect_equal(nrow(intra), 2016)
# Test 6 - Find important variables
vars <- ana$findImportantVariables(intra)
vars <- sort(vars, decreasing = TRUE)
expect_equal(names(vars[1]), "steps")
# Test 7 - Predict goal for the day
rows.test <- intra[c(3), ]
res <- ana$predictGoal(rows.test)
expect_less_than(res , 2518)
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