whichpred <- function(pred, which) {
tmpattr <- attr(pred, "loglik.ode")[which]
pred <- pred[which]
attr(pred, "loglik.ode") <- tmpattr
##' Plot a fitode object
##' @aliases plot,fitode-method
##' @param x fitode object
##' @param level the confidence level required
##' @param which which to plot
##' @param method confidence interval method
##' @param onepage (logical) print all figures on one page?
##' @param xlim x coordinates range
##' @param ylim y coordinates range
##' @param xlabs a label for the x axis
##' @param ylabs a label for the y axis
##' @param col.traj colour of the estimated trajectory
##' @param lty.traj line type of the estimated trajectory
##' @param col.conf colour of the confidence intervals
##' @param lty.conf line type of the confidence intervals
##' @param add add to another plot?
##' @param nsim number of simulations for mvrnorm, wmvrnorm methods
##' @param data (FIXME)
##' @param ... additional arguments to be passed on to the plot function
##' @return No return value, called for side effects
##' @importFrom bbmle plot
##' @docType methods
##' @exportMethod plot
setMethod("plot", signature(x="fitode", y="missing"),
function(x, level,
method=c("delta", "impsamp", "wmvrnorm"),
xlim, ylim,
xlabs, ylabs,
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method=="impsamp") method <- "wmvrnorm"
if (missing(data)) data <- x@data
pred <- predict(x,level,method=method, nsim=nsim)
if (missing(which)) which <- 1:length(pred)
if (is.character(which)) which <- match(which,names(pred))
pred <- whichpred(pred, which)
plot_internal(pred, data, onepage, xlim, ylim, xlabs, ylabs, col.traj, lty.traj, col.conf, lty.conf, add, ...)
##' Plot a fitodeMCMC object
##' @aliases plot,fitodeMCMC-method
##' @param x fitodeMCMC object
##' @param level the confidence level required
##' @param which which to plot
##' @param onepage (logical) print all figures on one page?
##' @param xlim x coordinates range
##' @param ylim y coordinates range
##' @param xlabs a label for the x axis
##' @param ylabs a label for the y axis
##' @param col.traj colour of the estimated trajectory
##' @param lty.traj line type of the estimated trajectory
##' @param col.conf colour of the confidence intervals
##' @param lty.conf line type of the confidence intervals
##' @param add add to another plot?
##' @param data (FIXME)
##' @param ... additional arguments to be passed on to the plot function
##' @return No return value, called for side effects
setMethod("plot", signature(x="fitodeMCMC", y="missing"),
function(x, level,
xlim, ylim,
xlabs, ylabs,
if (missing(data)) data <- x@data
pred <- predict(x,level,simplify=TRUE)
if (missing(which)) which <- 1:length(pred)
if (is.character(which)) which <- match(which,names(pred))
pred <- whichpred(pred, which)
plot_internal(pred, data, onepage, xlim, ylim, xlabs, ylabs, col.traj, lty.traj, col.conf, lty.conf, add, ...)
##' Internal function for plotting methods
##' @param pred prediction objects
##' @param data observed data
##' @param onepage (logical) print all figures on one page?
##' @param xlim x coordinates range
##' @param ylim y coordinates range
##' @param xlabs a label for the x axis
##' @param ylabs a label for the y axis
##' @param col.traj colour of the estimated trajectory
##' @param lty.traj line type of the estimated trajectory
##' @param col.conf colour of the confidence intervals
##' @param lty.conf line type of the confidence intervals
##' @param add add to another plot?
##' @param ... additional arguments to be passed on to the plot function
##' @importFrom graphics par lines matlines
plot_internal <- function(pred,
xlim, ylim,
xlabs, ylabs,
...) {
## from bbmle
if (onepage && !add) {
nplots <- length(pred)
## Q: should we reset par(mfrow), or par(mfg), anyway?
if (prod(par("mfcol")) < nplots) {
rows <- ceiling(round(sqrt(nplots)))
columns <- ceiling(nplots/rows)
mfrow_orig <- par(mfrow=c(rows,columns))
nm <- names(pred)
if (missing(ylabs)) ylabs <- nm
if (missing(xlabs)) xlabs <- rep("times", length(pred))
auto_ylim <- missing(ylim)
auto_xlim <- missing(xlim)
for (i in 1:length(pred)) {
obs.df <- data.frame(
y=eval(parse(text=nm[i]), data)
pred.df <- pred[[i]]
if (attr(pred, "loglik.ode")[i]=="dlnorm")
pred.df[,-1] <- exp(pred.df[,-1])
if (auto_ylim) {
ymin <- 0.95 * min(min(unlist(pred.df[,-1])), obs.df$y, na.rm=TRUE)
ymax <- 1.05 * max(max(unlist(pred.df[,-1])), obs.df$y, na.rm=TRUE)
ylim <- c(ymin, ymax)
if (auto_xlim) {
xlim <- c(min(obs.df$x), max(obs.df$x))
if (!add) plot(obs.df, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
xlab=xlabs[i], ylab=ylabs[i], ...)
lines(pred.df$times, pred.df$estimate, col=col.traj, lty=lty.traj)
if (ncol(pred.df) > 2) {
matlines(pred.df$times, pred.df[,3:4], col=col.conf, lty=lty.conf)
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