Man pages for flare
Family of Lasso Regression

coef.slimExtract Model Coefficients for an object with S3 class...
eyedataThe Bardet-Biedl syndrome Gene expression data from Scheetz...
flare-internalInternal flare functions
flare-packageflare: a new Family of Lasso Regression
plot.rocPlot Function for "roc"
plot.selectPlot Function for "select"
plot.simPlot Function for "sim"
plot.slimPlot Function for "slim"
plot.sugmPlot Function for "sugm"
predict.slimPrediction for an object with S3 class '"slim"'
print.rocPrint Function for for an object with S3 class '"roc"'
print.selectPrint Function for for an object with S3 class '"select"'
print.simPrint Function for for an object with S3 class '"sim"'
print.slimPrint Function for an object with S3 class '"slim"'
print.sugmPrint Function for an object with S3 class '"sugm"'
slimSparse Linear Regression using Nonsmooth Loss Functions and...
sugmHigh-deimensional Sparse Undirected Graphical Models.
sugm.generatorData generator for sparse undirected graph estimation.
sugm.plotGraph visualization for an object with S3 class '"sugm"'
sugm.rocDraw ROC Curve for an object with S3 class '"sugm"'
sugm.selectModel selection for high-dimensional undirected graphical...
flare documentation built on May 23, 2022, 9:05 a.m.