Man pages for flashier
Empirical Bayes Matrix Factorization

fitted.flashFitted method for flash objects
fitted.flash_fitFitted method for flash fit objects
flashEmpirical Bayes matrix factorization
flash_add_interceptAdd "intercept" to a flash object
flash_backfitBackfit a flash object
flash_clear_timeoutSet timeout
flash_conv_crit_elbo_diffCalculate the difference in ELBO
flash_conv_crit_max_chgCalculate the maximum absolute difference in scaled loadings...
flash_conv_crit_max_chg_FCalculate the maximum absolute difference in scaled factors
flash_conv_crit_max_chg_LCalculate the maximum absolute difference in scaled loadings
flash_ebnmConstruct an EBNM function
flash_factors_fixFix flash factors
flash_factors_initInitialize flash factors at specified values
flash_factors_removeRemove factors from a flash object
flash_factors_reorderReorder factors in a flash object
flash_factors_set_to_zeroSet flash factors to zero
flash_factors_unfixUnfix flash factors
flash_fitExtract a flash_fit object
flash_greedyGreedily add factors to a flash object
flash_greedy_init_defaultInitialize a flash factor
flash_greedy_init_irlbaInitialize a flash factor using IRLBA
flash_greedy_init_softImputeInitialize a flash factor using softImpute
flash_initInitialize flash object
flash_nullcheckNullcheck flash factors
flash_set_conv_critSet convergence criterion and tolerance parameter
flash_set_timeoutSet timeout
flash_set_verboseSet verbose output
flash_verbose_elboDisplay the current ELBO
flash_verbose_elbo_diffDisplay the difference in ELBO
flash_verbose_max_chgDisplay the maximum difference in scaled loadings and factors
flash_verbose_max_chg_FDisplay the maximum difference in scaled factors
flash_verbose_max_chg_LDisplay the maximum difference in scaled loadings
gtexGTEx data
gtex_colorsColors for plotting GTEx data
ldfLDF method for flash and flash fit objects
plot.flashPlot method for flash objects
residuals.flashResiduals method for flash objects
residuals.flash_fitResiduals method for flash fit objects
flashier documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 5:07 p.m.