information_data_chunk: content chunk related information of a flextable

View source: R/read_structure.R

information_data_chunkR Documentation

content chunk related information of a flextable


This function takes a flextable object and returns a data.frame containing information about each text chunk within the flextable. The data.frame includes details such as the text content, formatting properties, position within the paragraph, paragraph row, and column.


information_data_chunk(x, expand_special_chars = TRUE)



a flextable object


a data.frame containing information about chunks:

  • text chunk (column txt) and other content (url for the linked url, eq_data for content of type 'equation', word_field_data for content of type 'word_field' and img_data for content of type 'image'),

  • formatting properties,

  • part (.part), position within the paragraph (.chunk_index), row (.row_id) and column (.col_id).

don't use this

These data structures should not be used, as they represent an interpretation of the underlying data structures, which may evolve over time.

They are exported to enable two packages that exploit these structures to make a transition, and should not remain available for long.

See Also

Other information data functions: information_data_cell(), information_data_paragraph()


ft <- as_flextable(iris)
x <- information_data_chunk(ft)

flextable documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:37 a.m.