set_caption: Set Caption

View source: R/flextable.R

set_captionR Documentation

Set Caption


Set caption value in a flextable. The function can also be used to define formattings that will be applied if possible to Word and HTML outputs.

  • The caption will be associated with a paragraph style when the output is Word. It can also be numbered as a auto-numbered Word computed value.

  • The PowerPoint format ignores captions. PowerPoint documents are not structured and do not behave as HTML documents and paginated documents (word, pdf), and it's not possible to know where we should create a shape to contain the caption (technically it can't be in the PowerPoint shape containing the table).

When working with 'R Markdown' or 'Quarto', the caption settings defined with set_caption() will be prioritized over knitr chunk options.

Caption value can be a single string or the result to a call to as_paragraph(). With the latter, the caption is made of formatted chunks whereas with the former, caption will not be associated with any formatting.


  caption = NULL,
  autonum = NULL,
  word_stylename = "Table Caption",
  style = word_stylename,
  fp_p = fp_par(padding = 3),
  align_with_table = TRUE,
  html_classes = NULL,
  html_escape = TRUE



flextable object


caption value. The caption can be either a string either a call to as_paragraph(). In the latter case, users are free to format the caption with colors, italic fonts, also mixed with images or equations. Note that Quarto does not allow the use of this feature.

Caption as a string does not support 'Markdown' syntax. If you want to add a bold text in the caption, use as_paragraph('a ', as_b('bold'), ' text') when providing caption.


an autonum representation. See officer::run_autonum(). This has an effect only when the output is "Word" (in which case the object is used to define the Word auto-numbering), "html" and "pdf" (in which case only the bookmark identifier will be used). If used, the caption is preceded by an auto-number sequence.

word_stylename, style

'Word' style name to associate with caption paragraph. These names are available with function officer::styles_info() when output is Word. Argument style is deprecated in favor of word_stylename. If the caption is defined with as_paragraph(), some of the formattings of the paragraph style will be replaced by the formattings associated with the chunks (such as the font).


paragraph formatting properties associated with the caption, see fp_par(). It applies when possible, i.e. in HTML and 'Word' but not with bookdown.


if TRUE, caption is aligned as the flextable, if FALSE, fp_p will not be updated and alignement is as defined with fp_p. It applies when possible, i.e. in HTML and 'Word' but not with bookdown.


css class(es) to apply to associate with caption paragraph when output is 'Word'.


should HTML entities be escaped so that it can be safely included as text or an attribute value within an HTML document.


The behavior of captions in the 'flextable' package varies depending on the formats and technologies used.

The values set by the set_caption() function will be prioritized whenever possible, including the caption ID and associated paragraph style. However, it's important to note that the behavior may differ across different tools. Here's what we have observed and attempted to respect, but please inform us if you believe our observations are incorrect:

  • In Word and HTML documents created with 'rmarkdown' rmarkdown::word_document() and rmarkdown::html_document(), numbered and cross-referenced captions are not typically expected.

  • In PDF documents created with 'rmarkdown' rmarkdown::pdf_document(), numbers are automatically added before the caption.

  • In Word and HTML documents created with 'bookdown', numbered and cross-referenced captions are expected. 'bookdown' handles this functionality, but due to technical reasons, the caption should not be defined within an HTML or XML block. Therefore, when using 'flextable', the ability to format the caption content is lost (this limitation does not apply to PDF documents).

  • HTML and PDF documents created with Quarto handle captions and cross-references differently. Quarto replaces captions with 'tbl-cap' and 'label' values.

  • Word documents created with Quarto present another specific case. Currently, Quarto does not inject captions using the 'tbl-cap' and label values. However, this is a temporary situation that is expected to change in the future. The 'flextable' package will adapt accordingly as Quarto evolves.

  • When using the body_add_flextable() function, all the options specified with set_caption() will be enabled.

Using body_add_flextable() enable all options specified with set_caption().

R Markdown

flextable captions can be defined from R Markdown documents by using knitr::opts_chunk$set(). User don't always have to call set_caption() to set a caption, he can use knitr chunk options instead. A typical call would be:

#| bookmark_id
#| tab.cap: caption text
``` is the caption id or bookmark, tab.cap is the caption text. There are many options that can replace set_caption() features. The following knitr chunk options are available:

label name value
Word stylename to use for table captions. NULL
caption id/bookmark NULL
caption tab.cap NULL
display table caption on top of the table or not tab.topcaption TRUE
caption table sequence identifier. tab.lp "tab:"
prefix for numbering chunk (default to "Table "). tab.cap.pre Table
suffix for numbering chunk (default to ": "). tab.cap.sep " :"
title number depth tab.cap.tnd 0
separator to use between title number and table number. tab.cap.tns "-"
caption prefix formatting properties tab.cap.fp_text fp_text_lite(bold = TRUE)

See knit_print.flextable for more details.

Formatting the caption

To create captions in R Markdown using the 'flextable' package and 'officer' package, you can utilize the as_paragraph() function. This approach is recommended when your captions require complex content, such as a combination of different text styles or the inclusion of images and equations.

The caption is constructed as a paragraph consisting of multiple chunks. Each chunk represents a specific portion of the caption with its desired formatting, such as red bold text or Arial italic text.

By default, if no specific formatting is specified (using either "a string" or as_chunk("a string")), the fp_text_default() function sets the font settings for the caption, including the font family, boldness, italics, color, etc. The default values can be modified using the set_flextable_defaults() function. However, it is recommended to explicitly use as_chunk() to define the desired formatting.

It's important to note that the style properties of the caption will not override the formatting of the individual elements within it. Therefore, you need to explicitly specify the font to be used for the caption.

Here's an example of how to set a caption for a flextable in R Markdown using the 'officer' package:


ftab <- flextable(head(cars)) %>%
      as_chunk("caption", props = fp_text_default( = "Cambria"))
    ), word_stylename = "Table Caption"

print(ftab, preview = "docx")

In this example, the set_caption() function sets the caption for the flextable. The caption is created using as_paragraph() with a single chunk created using as_chunk("caption", props = fp_text_default( = "Cambria")). The word_stylename parameter is used to specify the table caption style in the resulting Word document. Finally, the print() function generates the flextable with the caption, and preview = "docx" displays a preview of the resulting Word document.

Using 'Quarto'

In 'Quarto', captions and cross-references are handled differently compared to 'R Markdown', where flextable takes care of the job. In Quarto, the responsibility for managing captions lies with the Quarto framework itself. Consequently, the set_caption() function in 'flextable' is not as useful in a 'Quarto' document. The formatting and numbering of captions are determined by Quarto rather than flextable. Please refer to the Quarto documentation for more information on how to work with captions in Quarto.

See Also



ftab <- flextable(head(iris))
ftab <- set_caption(ftab, "my caption")

autonum <- run_autonum(seq_id = "tab", bkm = "mtcars")
ftab <- flextable(head(mtcars))
ftab <- set_caption(ftab, caption = "mtcars data", autonum = autonum)

flextable documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:37 a.m.