
Defines functions ge.float gt.float eq.float le.float lt.float ge_floatfloat gt_floatfloat eq_floatfloat le_floatfloat lt_floatfloat pow.float div.float sub.float mul.float add.float pow_floatfloat div_floatfloat sub_floatfloat mul_floatfloat add_floatfloat binop

# apply a binary operation with appropriate type promotion
binop = function(e1, e2, fun, floatfun)
  if ((!is.float(e1) && !is.atomic(e1)) || (!is.float(e2) && !is.atomic(e2)))
    stop("non-numeric argument to binary operator")
  if (is.float(e1))
    if (is.integer(e2))
      e2 = fl(e2)
    if (is.float(e2))
      ret = floatfun(e1, e2)
      ret = fun(dbl(e1), e2)
    if (is.float(e2))
      if (is.integer(e1))
        ret = floatfun(fl(e1), e2)
        ret = fun(e1, dbl(e2))
      ret = fun(e1, e2)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# arithmetic
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' arithmetic
#' Binary arithmetic numeric/float matrices.
#' @param e1,e2
#' Numeric/float vectors/matrices.
#' @return
#' A matrix of the same type as the highest precision input.
#' @examples
#' library(float)
#' s1 = flrunif(5, 5)
#' s2 = flrunif(5, 5)
#' x = matrix(1:25, 5)
#' s1 + s2 # float
#' typeof(x) # integer
#' x + s2 # float
#' storage.mode(x) = "double"
#' x + s2 # double
#' @useDynLib float R_add_spm R_mul_spm R_sub_spm R_div_spm R_pow_spm
#' @name arithmetic
#' @rdname arithmetic

add_floatfloat = function(e1, e2)
  ret = .Call(R_add_spm, DATA(e1), DATA(e2))

mul_floatfloat = function(e1, e2)
  ret = .Call(R_mul_spm, DATA(e1), DATA(e2))

sub_floatfloat = function(e1, e2)
  ret = .Call(R_sub_spm, DATA(e1), DATA(e2))

div_floatfloat = function(e1, e2)
  ret = .Call(R_div_spm, DATA(e1), DATA(e2))

pow_floatfloat = function(e1, e2)
  ret = .Call(R_pow_spm, DATA(e1), DATA(e2))

add.float = function(e1, e2)
  binop(e1, e2, `+`, add_floatfloat)

mul.float = function(e1, e2)
  binop(e1, e2, `*`, mul_floatfloat)

sub.float = function(e1, e2)
  binop(e1, e2, `-`, sub_floatfloat)

div.float = function(e1, e2)
  binop(e1, e2, `/`, div_floatfloat)

pow.float = function(e1, e2)
  binop(e1, e2, `^`, pow_floatfloat)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("+", signature(e1="float32", e2="float32"), add.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("*", signature(e1="float32", e2="float32"), mul.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("-", signature(e1="float32", e2="float32"), sub.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("/", signature(e1="float32", e2="float32"), div.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("^", signature(e1="float32", e2="float32"), pow.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("+", signature(e1="float32", e2="BaseLinAlg"), add.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("*", signature(e1="float32", e2="BaseLinAlg"), mul.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("-", signature(e1="float32", e2="BaseLinAlg"), sub.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("/", signature(e1="float32", e2="BaseLinAlg"), div.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("^", signature(e1="float32", e2="BaseLinAlg"), pow.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("+", signature(e1="BaseLinAlg", e2="float32"), add.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("*", signature(e1="BaseLinAlg", e2="float32"), mul.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("-", signature(e1="BaseLinAlg", e2="float32"), sub.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("/", signature(e1="BaseLinAlg", e2="float32"), div.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("^", signature(e1="BaseLinAlg", e2="float32"), pow.float)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Comparisons
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' comparison
#' Binary comparison operators for numeric/float matrices.
#' @param e1,e2
#' Numeric/float vectors/matrices.
#' @return
#' A vector/matrix of logicals.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(float)
#' s = flrunif(5, 5)
#' x = matrix(1:25, 5)
#' s > x
#' s <= 0
#' }
#' @useDynLib float R_lt_spm R_le_spm R_eq_spm R_gt_spm R_ge_spm
#' @name comparison
#' @rdname comparison

lt_floatfloat = function(e1, e2)
  .Call(R_lt_spm, DATA(e1), DATA(e2))

le_floatfloat = function(e1, e2)
  .Call(R_le_spm, DATA(e1), DATA(e2))

eq_floatfloat = function(e1, e2)
  .Call(R_eq_spm, DATA(e1), DATA(e2))

gt_floatfloat = function(e1, e2)
  .Call(R_gt_spm, DATA(e1), DATA(e2))

ge_floatfloat = function(e1, e2)
  .Call(R_ge_spm, DATA(e1), DATA(e2))

lt.float = function(e1, e2)
  binop(e1, e2, `<`, lt_floatfloat)

le.float = function(e1, e2)
  binop(e1, e2, `<=`, le_floatfloat)

eq.float = function(e1, e2)
  binop(e1, e2, `==`, eq_floatfloat)

gt.float = function(e1, e2)
  binop(e1, e2, `>`, gt_floatfloat)

ge.float = function(e1, e2)
  binop(e1, e2, `>=`, ge_floatfloat)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("<", signature(e1="float32", e2="float32"), lt.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("<=", signature(e1="float32", e2="float32"), le.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("==", signature(e1="float32", e2="float32"), eq.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod(">", signature(e1="float32", e2="float32"), gt.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod(">=", signature(e1="float32", e2="float32"), ge.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("<", signature(e1="float32", e2="BaseLinAlg"), lt.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("<=", signature(e1="float32", e2="BaseLinAlg"), le.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("==", signature(e1="float32", e2="BaseLinAlg"), eq.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod(">", signature(e1="float32", e2="BaseLinAlg"), gt.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod(">=", signature(e1="float32", e2="BaseLinAlg"), ge.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("<", signature(e1="BaseLinAlg", e2="float32"), lt.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("<=", signature(e1="BaseLinAlg", e2="float32"), le.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("==", signature(e1="BaseLinAlg", e2="float32"), eq.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod(">", signature(e1="BaseLinAlg", e2="float32"), gt.float)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod(">=", signature(e1="BaseLinAlg", e2="float32"), ge.float)

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float documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 6:43 p.m.