Man pages for flyio
Read or Write any Format from Anywhere

export_fileUpload a file from the local system to cloud
export_folderUpload a folder from the local system to cloud
export_rasterWrite raster
export_rdaWrite RDA files
export_rdsWrite RDS files
export_shpWrite shapefiles
export_stWrite geojson and geopkgs
export_tableWrite csv, Excel files, txt
file_existsCheck if a file exists
flyio_authAuthenticate flyio
flyio_get_bucketGet global bucket name for flyio
flyio_get_datasourceGet global data source name for flyio
flyio_get_dirGet global bucket name for flyio
flyio_list_dirList files in flyio tmp folder
flyio_remove_dirDelete files in flyio tmp folder
flyio_set_bucketSet global bucket name for flyio
flyio_set_datasourceSet global data source name for flyio
flyio_set_dirSet global directory for flyio to store data
import_fileDownload file from cloud to local system
import_rasterRead raster files
import_rdaRead RDA file
import_rdsRead RDS file
import_shpRead shapefiles
import_stRead geojson, geopkg
import_stackRead stack from GCS/S3 or local
import_tableRead csv, Excel files, txt
list_bucketList buckets for cloud storage
list_filesList the Files in a Directory/Folder
flyio documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 4:59 p.m.