Man pages for fqacalc
Calculate Floristic Quality Assessment Metrics

accepted_entriesReturn A Data Frame of Plant Species That Successfully Match...
adjusted_FQICalculate Adjusted FQI
all_metricsPrint a Summary of Non-Weighted FQA Metrics
cover_FQICalculate Cover-Weighted FQI
cover_mean_cCalculate Cover-Weighted Mean C
crooked_islandA List of Plants from Crooked Island, MI
db_namesLook Up the Names of Regional FQA Databases
FQICalculate FQI
mean_cCalculate Mean C
mean_wCalculate the Mean Wetness Coefficient
physiog_summaryCreate a cover-Weighted Summary of Physiognomic Groups
pipePipe operator
plot_summaryCalculate Plot-level Summary Statistics
relative_coverCalculate Relative Cover
relative_frequencyCalculate Relative Frequency
relative_importanceCalculate Relative Importance
species_richnessCalculate Number of Species
species_summaryCreate A Cover-Weighted Summary of Species
transect_summaryPrint a Summary of Cover-Weighted FQA Metrics
unassigned_plantsReturn Data Frame of Plant Species That Have No C Value
view_dbView a Regional FQA Database
fqacalc documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 5:10 p.m.