FQI: Calculate FQI

View source: R/fqi_metrics.R

FQIR Documentation

Calculate FQI


FQI calculates the Floristic Quality Index (FQI) for the area of concern. FQI is found by multiplying the mean C by the square root of the species richness. If native = TRUE, FQI will calculate the Native FQI.


FQI(x, key = "name", db, native = FALSE)



A data frame containing a list of plant species. This data frame must have one of the following columns: name or acronym. For cover-weighted or relative functions, this data frame must also have a column called cover containing cover values and ideally a column containing plot IDs.


A character string representing the column that will be used to join the input data frame x with the regional FQA database. If a value is not specified, the default is "name". "name" and "acronym" are the only acceptable values for key.


A character string representing the regional FQA database to use. See db_names for a list of potential values and the fqadata R package where the databases are hosted.


Boolean (TRUE or FALSE). If TRUE, calculate metrics using only native species.


A non-negative integer


plant_list <- crooked_island

#FQI of all species (native and introduced)
FQI(x = plant_list, key = "acronym", db = "michigan_2014", native = FALSE)

#FQI of native species
FQI(x = plant_list, key = "acronym", db = "michigan_2014", native = TRUE)

fqacalc documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 5:10 p.m.