Man pages for frbs
Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems for Classification and Regression Tasks

ANFISANFIS model building
ANFIS.updateANFIS updating function
data.gen3dA data generator
defuzzifierDefuzzifier to transform from linguistic terms to crisp...
DENFISDENFIS model building
DENFIS.engDENFIS prediction function
denorm.dataThe data de-normalization
DM.updateFIR.DM updating function
ECMEvolving Clustering Method
FH.GBMLFH.GBML model building
FIR.DMFIR.DM model building
FRBCS.CHIFRBCS.CHI model building
FRBCS.engFRBCS: prediction phase
FRBCS.WFRBCS.W model building
frbsDataData set of the package
frbs.engThe prediction phase
frbs.genThe frbs model generator
frbs.learnThe frbs model building function
frbsObjectFactoryThe object factory for frbs objects
frbs-packageGetting started with the frbs package
frbsPMMLThe frbsPMML generator
FS.HGDFS.HGD model building
fuzzifierTransforming from crisp set into linguistic terms
GFS.FR.MOGUL.testGFS.FR.MOGUL: The prediction phase
GFS.GCCLGFS.GCCL model building
GFS.GCCL.engGFS.GCCL.test: The prediction phase
GFS.LT.RSGFS.LT.RS model building
GFS.LT.RS.testGFS.LT.RS: The prediction phase
GFS.ThriftGFS.Thrift model building
GFS.Thrift.testGFS.Thrift: The prediction phase
HGD.updateFS.HGD updating function
HyFISHyFIS model building
HyFIS.updateHyFIS updating function
inferenceThe process of fuzzy reasoning
norm.dataThe data normalization
plotMFThe plotting function
predict.frbsThe frbs prediction stage
read.frbsPMMLThe frbsPMML reader
rulebaseThe rule checking function
SBCThe subtractive clustering and fuzzy c-means (SBC) model...
SBC.testSBC prediction phase
SLAVESLAVE model building
SLAVE.testSLAVE.test: The prediction phase
summary.frbsThe summary function for frbs objects
WMWM model building
write.frbsPMMLThe frbsPMML writer
frbs documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 1:19 a.m.