
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Numerical verification of the freealg package

![](`r system.file("help/figures/freealg.png", package = "freealg")`){width=10%}

Here we verify that the freealg package is consistent.

First, we observe that $n\times n$ matrices are an algebra over the reals, and therefore should obey all the identities of a free algebra. We will evaluate an expression in two different ways (one using the package and the other using base R matrix algebra) and verify that the results agree. We will evaluate an expression on three indeterminates, A,B,C, here random $5\times 5$ matrices:

 A <- matrix(rnorm(25),5,5)
 B <- matrix(rnorm(25),5,5)
 C <- matrix(rnorm(25),5,5)

Now we will take a random-ish element of the free algebra and call it x:

x <- structure(list(indices = list(1L, 1:2, c(1L, 2L, 1L, 1L), 2L, 
    3L), coeffs = c(9, 6, 1, 9, 3)), class = "freealg")

We will evaluate x^2 in two different ways. Firstly, direct matrix multiplication:

xm <- 9*A + 6*A%*%B + A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 9*B + 3*C  # object "x" adapted for matrix multiplication
(xcubed_matrix <- xm %*% xm %*% xm)

And secondly using freealg:


We can turn the above into an expression (rather clumsily) using sed. Cut-and-paste the above output into a file called e.txt [if using the text above, strip out the # symbols and the first line saying "free algebra..."] and then the following command

cat e.txt|tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | sed -e ':loop' -e 's/\([A-Z]\)\([A-Z]\)/\1%*%\2/g' -e 't loop'

gives this:

xcubed_freealg <- (
+ 729*A%*%A%*%A + 486*A%*%A%*%A%*%B + 81*A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 729*A%*%A%*%B + 486*A%*%A%*%B%*%A + 81*A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A + 54*A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B
+ 9*A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 81*A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B + 27*A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%C + 324*A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B + 54*A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 486*A%*%A%*%B%*%B +
162*A%*%A%*%B%*%C + 243*A%*%A%*%C + 729*A%*%B%*%A + 486*A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 81*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%A + 54*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B + 9*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A
+ 81*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B + 54*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A + 9*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A + 6*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B + 1*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A +
9*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B + 3*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%C + 36*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B + 6*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 54*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%B +
18*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%C + 27*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%C + 324*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B + 81*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A + 54*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 54*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B +
9*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 81*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%B + 27*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%C + 27*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%C%*%A + 18*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%C%*%A%*%B + 3*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A +
27*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%C%*%B + 9*A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%C%*%C + 972*A%*%B%*%A%*%B + 324*A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A + 81*A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 54*A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A +
36*A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B + 6*A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 54*A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B + 18*A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%C + 216*A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B + 36*A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A
+ 324*A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%B + 108*A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%C + 162*A%*%B%*%A%*%C + 729*A%*%B%*%B + 486*A%*%B%*%B%*%A + 324*A%*%B%*%B%*%A%*%B +
54*A%*%B%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 486*A%*%B%*%B%*%B + 162*A%*%B%*%B%*%C + 243*A%*%B%*%C + 162*A%*%B%*%C%*%A + 108*A%*%B%*%C%*%A%*%B + 18*A%*%B%*%C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A
+ 162*A%*%B%*%C%*%B + 54*A%*%B%*%C%*%C + 243*A%*%C%*%A + 162*A%*%C%*%A%*%B + 27*A%*%C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 243*A%*%C%*%B + 81*A%*%C%*%C +
729*B%*%A%*%A + 486*B%*%A%*%A%*%B + 81*B%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 729*B%*%A%*%B + 486*B%*%A%*%B%*%A + 81*B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A + 54*B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B +
9*B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 81*B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B + 27*B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%C + 324*B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B + 54*B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 486*B%*%A%*%B%*%B +
162*B%*%A%*%B%*%C + 243*B%*%A%*%C + 729*B%*%B%*%A + 486*B%*%B%*%A%*%B + 81*B%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 729*B%*%B%*%B + 243*B%*%B%*%C +
243*B%*%C%*%A + 162*B%*%C%*%A%*%B + 27*B%*%C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 243*B%*%C%*%B + 81*B%*%C%*%C + 243*C%*%A%*%A + 162*C%*%A%*%A%*%B +
27*C%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 243*C%*%A%*%B + 162*C%*%A%*%B%*%A + 27*C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A + 18*C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B + 3*C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A +
27*C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%B + 9*C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A%*%C + 108*C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B + 18*C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 162*C%*%A%*%B%*%B + 54*C%*%A%*%B%*%C + 81*C%*%A%*%C +
243*C%*%B%*%A + 162*C%*%B%*%A%*%B + 27*C%*%B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A + 243*C%*%B%*%B + 81*C%*%B%*%C + 81*C%*%C%*%A + 54*C%*%C%*%A%*%B + 9*C%*%C%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A
+ 81*C%*%C%*%B + 27*C%*%C%*%C

and then

xcubed_freealg - xcubed_matrix

is zero, to within numerical tolerances.


We will verify that the deriv() function behaves correctly.

o <- as.freealg("4*aaabacaa + 7*ccab -9*babaa")
do <- deriv(o,1)  # differentiate WRT a

Now evaluate o in matrix-speak:

f <- function(A,B,C){4*A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%C%*%A%*%A + 7*C%*%C%*%A%*%B -9*B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%A}
small <- 1e-5
dA <- small*matrix(rnorm(25),5,5)
fdash <- function(A,B,C,dA){(     
   + 4*A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%C%*%A%*%(dA) + 4*A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%C%*%(dA)%*%A
   + 4*A%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%(dA)%*%C%*%A%*%A + 4*A%*%A%*%(dA)%*%B%*%A%*%C%*%A%*%A
   + 4*A%*%(dA)%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%C%*%A%*%A
   - 9*B%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%(dA) - 9*B%*%A%*%B%*%(dA)%*%A - 9*B%*%(dA)%*%B%*%A%*%A
   + 7*C%*%C%*%(dA)%*%B + 4*(dA)%*%A%*%A%*%B%*%A%*%C%*%A%*%A
approximate <- fdash(A,B,C,dA)
exact <- f(A+dA,B,C) - f(A,B,C)

Above, we see the difference between the approximate and the exact is small, as might be expected. We can improve the accuracy by evaluating the approximation at an intermediate point:

approximate <- fdash(A+dA/2,B,C,dA)
exact <- f(A+dA,B,C) - f(A,B,C)

and we see an improved accuracy.

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freealg documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:08 a.m.