write.fs.morph.ni2: Write morphometry data in NIFTI v2 format.

View source: R/write_fs_curv.R

write.fs.morph.ni2R Documentation

Write morphometry data in NIFTI v2 format.


Write morphometry data in NIFTI v2 format.


write.fs.morph.ni2(filepath, data, ...)



string, the full path of the output NIFTI file. Should end with '.nii' or '.nii.gz'.


numerical vector, the data to write. Will be coerced to double.


extra parameters passed to write.nifti2.


format, string. The format that was used to write the data: "ni2".


Not many software packages support NIFTI v2 format. If possible with your data, you may want to use NIFTI v1 instead.

See Also

nifti.file.version can be used to check whether a file is NIFTI v1 or v2 file.

Other morphometry functions: fs.get.morph.file.ext.for.format(), fs.get.morph.file.format.from.filename(), read.fs.curv(), read.fs.mgh(), read.fs.morph.gii(), read.fs.morph(), read.fs.volume(), read.fs.weight(), write.fs.curv(), write.fs.label.gii(), write.fs.mgh(), write.fs.morph.asc(), write.fs.morph.gii(), write.fs.morph.ni1(), write.fs.morph.smp(), write.fs.morph.txt(), write.fs.morph(), write.fs.weight.asc(), write.fs.weight()

Other nifti2 writers: write.nifti2()

freesurferformats documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:29 a.m.