Man pages for frontiles
Partial Frontier Efficiency Analysis

alphafrontier.2dRepresentation of alpha-quantile efficiency frontier for 1...
alphafrontier.3d3d representation of alpha-quantile frontier in the case of 2...
alphascoreCalculates alpha-quantile efficiency score
burposteBurposte data
frontiles-packagealpha-quantile efficiency score and 2d/3d representation of...
ordermfrontier.2dRepresentation of m-order efficiency frontier for 1 output...
ordermscoreCalculates order-m efficiency score with asymptotic formula
ordermscore.bootCalculates order-m efficiency score with bootstrap algorithm
ROCscoreThe ROC curve to help choosing alpha and m parameters
spainSpain data
frontiles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:06 a.m.