alphafrontier.3d: 3d representation of alpha-quantile frontier in the case of 2...

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alphafrontier.3dR Documentation

3d representation of alpha-quantile frontier in the case of 2 input and 1 output.


3d representation of alpha-quantile frontier for a set of reference points (xobs,yobs) in the case of two input and one output. No representation yet for hyperbolic direction.


alphafrontier.3d(xobs, yobs, type="output",alpha=0.95, digits=4, 
box.leg=TRUE, palette=heat_hcl, rgl=FALSE, n.class=NULL,  ...)



a matrix of size n_1 \times 2, input of reference points


a matrix of size n_1 \times 1, output of reference points


a character, "output" or "input" direction


a scalar


a precision parameter to compute the alpha-frontier


representation of a legend-box on the plot with the values of frontier


function to use for colors in case where option col has not been called. See package colorspace for more informations.


a boolean, for output direction, representation of the graphic in 3d if TRUE


a numeric, for output direction, the number of class


usual parameters of function plot. Use the parameter asp to modify the scale of window...


In "input" direction: You choose a value of output in the legend box, the efficiency-frontier of the input is represented with the corresponding color on the 2d graphic. In "output" direction : For calculate the alpha-quantile efficiency output frontier everywhere, we have constructed a grid of size n \times n by drawing vertical and horizontal lines which intersect each reference observations. Then, we have calculated for each cell C_k k=1,...,n^2 the prediction of the alpha-quantile output efficiency frontier which correspond to the \alpha^{th} elements of the suite \{y_j\}_{j=1,...,n_k} where reference observations j, j=1,...,n_k verify

\ x^1_j\leq\inf_{(x^1,x^2) \in C_k}x^1

and x^2\leq\inf_{(x_1,x_2) \in C_k}x^2.
We propose to use an algorithm which filled up cells with colors depending on the values taken by the alpha-quantile output efficiency frontier. The algorithm attach the row and vary the column as the folling figure can show it.


no values


The algorithm used is certainly not optimized. For a data set of 61 observations, the function necessits 15.17s on an Optiplex GX745 2 duo 2.13GHz under Windows Vista and probably bugs beyond a certain number of observation


Abdelaati Daouia and Thibault Laurent

See Also



xyn <- cbind(spain[, 3:4],spain[, 1])
xtab <- as.matrix(xyn[, c(1,2)])
ytab <- matrix(xyn[, 3])

# representation in 2-d

op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # the whole list of settable par's.
alphafrontier.3d(xtab, ytab, type = "output", alpha = 0.6, xlab = "input 1",
 ylab = "input 2", main = "blabla") 
points(xtab, pch = 16)

frontiles documentation built on April 3, 2023, 5:15 p.m.