
Defines functions binplot.3d alphafrontier.3d

Documented in alphafrontier.3d

alphafrontier.3d <- function(xobs, yobs, type = "output", alpha = 0.95, 
                             digits = 4, box.leg = TRUE, palette = heat_hcl, 
                             rgl = FALSE, n.class = NULL,  ...) {
  # initialisation
  m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  n <- nrow(xobs)
  p <- ncol(xobs)
  if(n != nrow(yobs))
    stop("xobs and yobs have not the same number of observations")

  if (p != 2 | ncol(yobs) != 1) 
    stop("xobs must have 2 columns and yobs 1 column")
  match.arg(type, c("output", "input"))
  xobs1 <- xobs[, 1]
  xobs2 <- xobs[, 2]
  if(type == "input") {
    yobs.sort <- sort(yobs)
    n.k <- 0  # discretisation foot
    xeval <- matrix(0, 2 * n.k + length(yobs), 2)
    k <- 1
    interval <- yobs.sort[k]
    yeval <- rep(yobs.sort[k], length(yobs))
    res <- alphascore(xobs = xobs, yobs = yobs, xeval = xobs, yeval = as.matrix(yeval), alpha = alpha)
    x.alqf.2 <- xeval * res$input
    # For each value of yobs, we verify if the frontier is the same with the previous
    # value of yobs
    for (k in 2:n) {
      yeval <- rep(yobs.sort[k], length(yobs))
      res <- alphascore(xobs = xobs, yobs = yobs, xeval = xobs, 
                        yeval = as.matrix(yeval), alpha = alpha)
      x.alqf <- xeval * res$input
      if (!all(x.alqf == x.alqf.2)) {
        x.alqf.2 <- x.alqf
        interval <- c(interval, yobs.sort[k])
    n.couleur <- length(interval)
    type.col <- rev(palette(n.couleur))
    if((box.leg == TRUE) & (n.couleur > 1)) {
      layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 2), 2, 2), widths = c(1, 4), heights = c(1, 1))
      barplot(rep(1, n.couleur), horiz = TRUE, col = type.col, space = 0, axes = FALSE)
      axis(2, 0:(n.couleur-1), interval, las = 1, cex = 0.6)
    n.k <- 100  # discretisation foot
    xeval <- matrix(0, 2 * n.k + length(yobs), 2)
    # we prepare the bound
    bound.x1 <- c(min(xobs1) - diff(range(xobs1)) / 20, max(xobs1) + diff(range(xobs1)) / 20)
    bound.x2 <- c(min(xobs2) - diff(range(xobs2)) / 20, max(xobs2) + diff(range(xobs2)) / 20)
    plot(xobs, type = 'n') #,xlim=c(300,500),ylim=c(4000,5000))
    for (k in 1:n.couleur) {
      yeval <- c(rep(interval[k], 2 * n.k + length(yobs)))
      xeval[, 1] <- c(seq(min(xobs[, 1]), max(xobs[, 1]), length.out = n.k),
                     seq(mean(xobs[, 1]), mean(xobs[, 1]), length.out = n.k), xobs[, 1])
      xeval[, 2] <- c(seq(mean(xobs[, 2]), mean(xobs[, 2]), length.out = n.k),
                      seq(min(xobs[, 2]), max(xobs[, 2]), length.out = n.k), xobs[, 2])
      res <- alphascore(xobs = xobs, yobs = yobs, xeval = xeval, yeval = as.matrix(yeval), 
                        alpha = 1)
      x.alqf <- xeval * res$input
      x.alqf <- rbind(x.alqf, rbind(c(bound.x1[2], min(x.alqf[,2])),
                                    c(min(x.alqf[,1]), bound.x2[2])))
      x.alqf[,1] <- sort(x.alqf[, 1])
      x.alqf[,2] <- sort(x.alqf[, 2], decreasing = TRUE)
      lines(x.alqf, col = type.col[k])
  } else     ### CASE OUTPUT DIRECTION
    {    # we prepare the bound
    bound.x1 <- c(min(xobs1) - diff(range(xobs1)) / 20,
                  max(xobs1) + diff(range(xobs1)) / 20)
    bound.x2 <- c(min(xobs2) - diff(range(xobs2)) / 20,
                  max(xobs2) + diff(range(xobs2)) / 20)
    # we order x1 and x2 to have a grid  of size (n)x(n)
    x1.order <- sort(xobs1)
    x2.order <- sort(xobs2)
    # we "vectorize" the grid
    xpred1 <- rep(x1.order, n)
    xpred2 <- rep(x2.order, each = n)
    xpred <- cbind(xpred1, xpred2)
    # we add to x1.ord and x2.ord the bound max
    x1.order <- c(x1.order, bound.x1[2] + diff(bound.x1) / 3)
    x2.order <- c(x2.order, bound.x2[2] + diff(bound.x2) / 3)
    n2 <- nrow(xpred)
    # 1- Computation of the alpha-quantile score
    yeval <- matrix(mean(yobs),n2)
    # Call to the C.code       
    res <- .C("alpha3d", as.integer(n), as.integer(n2), as.double(t(xobs)), as.double(t(yobs)),
            as.double(t(xpred)), as.double(t(yeval)), lambda = as.double(matrix(0, n2, 1)),
            res1 = as.double(matrix(0, n, 1)), as.double(alpha), PACKAGE = "frontiles")
    alqf.score <- res$lambda
    alqf.score[alqf.score == -1] <- 0
    y.frontier <- alqf.score * mean(yobs)  # score computed on (xobs,yobs)
    # unique values
    y.fr.unique <- unique(na.omit(round(y.frontier, digits)))
    n.fdh <- length(y.fr.unique)
    # we divide the frontier into n intervals (use of package classInt)
    # with a special color for each class
    n.couleur <- ifelse(is.null(n.class), n.fdh, n.class)
    type.col <- rev(palette(n.couleur))
    sort_y.fr.unique <- sort(y.fr.unique)
    class.var <- numeric(length(sort_y.fr.unique) + 1)
    for (k in 2:(length(sort_y.fr.unique))) {
      class.var[k] <- median(sort_y.fr.unique[(k - 1):k])  
    class.var[1] <- min(y.fr.unique) 
    class.var[length(sort_y.fr.unique) + 1] <- max(y.fr.unique) 
        # choice of representation 2-d with colors or 3-d
    if(!rgl) {
      if((box.leg == TRUE) & (n.couleur > 1)) {
        layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 2), 2, 2), widths = c(1, 4), heights = c(1, 1))
        barplot(rep(1, n.couleur), horiz = TRUE, col = type.col, space = 0, axes = FALSE)
        if(n.couleur == n.fdh) {
          axis(2, 0.5:n.couleur, sort(y.fr.unique), las = 1, cex = 0.6)
        } else {
            axis(2, 1:(n.couleur+1), class.var, las = 1, cex = 0.6)
      #we plot the grid
      plot(range(x1.order), range(x2.order), type = "n",
           xlab = "input 1", ylab = "input 2") 
      increment <- 1 
      for (k in 1:n) { 
        ypol <- c(x2.order[k], x2.order[k], x2.order[k+1], x2.order[k+1], x2.order[k])
        for (j in 1:n) {
          xpol <- c(x1.order[j], x1.order[j+1], x1.order[j+1], x1.order[j], x1.order[j])
          my_col <- type.col[findInterval(y.frontier[increment], 
                                          class.var, all.inside=TRUE)]
          polygon(xpol, ypol, col = my_col, border = my_col)
          increment <- increment + 1
    } else {
      z <- matrix(y.frontier, n, n)
      main <- ifelse(!is.na(pmatch("main", names(m$...))), eval(m$...$main), '')
      xlab <- ifelse(!is.na(pmatch("xlab", names(m$...))), eval(m$...$xlab), '')     
      ylab <- ifelse(!is.na(pmatch("ylab", names(m$...))), eval(m$...$ylab), '')
      zlab <- ifelse(!is.na(pmatch("zlab", names(m$...))), eval(m$...$zlab), '')
      sub <- ifelse(!is.na(pmatch("sub", names(m$...))), eval(m$...$sub), '')
      for (i in 1:n) {
        for (j in 1:n) {
          binplot.3d(c(x1.order[i], x1.order[i+1]),
                     c(x2.order[j], x2.order[j+1]),
                     z[i,j], alpha = 1, topcol = type.col[findInterval(z[i,j], class.var, all.inside = TRUE)])
        aspect3d(1, 1, 1)
      axes3d(c('x', 'y', 'z'))
      title3d(main, sub, xlab, zlab, ylab)

 ##### Required functions 'binplot' and 'hist3d':
binplot.3d <- function(x, y, z, alpha = 1, 
                     topcol = "#ff0000", sidecol = "#aaaaaa") {
  save <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
  x1 <- c(rep(c(x[1], x[2], x[2], x[1]), 3), rep(x[1], 4), rep(x[2], 4))
  z1 <- c(rep(0, 4), rep(c(0, 0, z, z), 4))
  y1 <- c(y[1], y[1], y[2], y[2], rep(y[1], 4), rep(y[2], 4), rep(c(y[1], y[2], y[2], y[1]), 2))
  x2 <- c(rep(c(x[1], x[1], x[2], x[2]), 2), rep(c(x[1], x[2], rep(x[1], 3), rep(x[2], 3)), 2))
  z2 <- c(rep(c(0, z), 4), rep(0, 8), rep(z, 8))
  y2 <- c(rep(y[1], 4), rep(y[2], 4), rep(c(rep(y[1], 3), rep(y[2], 3), y[1], y[2]), 2))
  quads3d(x1, z1, y1, col = rep(sidecol, each = 4), alpha = alpha)
  quads3d(c(x[1], x[2], x[2], x[1]), rep(z, 4), c(y[1], y[1], y[2], y[2]),
              col = rep(topcol, each = 4), alpha = 1) 
  segments3d(x2, z2, y2, col = "#000000")

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