context("nanotime column")
# Clean testdata directory
if (!file.exists("testdata")) {
} else {
file.remove(list.files("testdata", full.names = TRUE))
test_that("Cycle return the nanotime type", {
skip_if_not(requireNamespace("nanotime", quietly = TRUE))
# Prepare example
dt_nanotime <- data.frame(
Nano = nanotime::nanotime(Sys.Date() + 1:100))
expect_true(inherits(dt_nanotime$Nano, "nanotime"))
# Write to fst
fstwriteproxy(dt_nanotime, "testdata/dt_nanotime.fst")
dt_nanotime_read <- fstreadproxy("testdata/dt_nanotime.fst")
# nanotime type preserved:
expect_true(inherits(dt_nanotime_read$Nano, "nanotime"))
expect_identical(dt_nanotime, dt_nanotime_read)
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