

message("*** Futures - lazy ...")

strategies <- c("batchtools_local")

## CRAN processing times:
## On Windows 32-bit, don't run these tests
if (!fullTest && isWin32) strategies <- character(0L)

for (strategy in strategies) {
  mprintf("- plan('%s') ...\n", strategy)

  a <- 42
  f <- future(2 * a, lazy = TRUE)
  a <- 21
  ## In future (> 1.14.0), resolved() will launch lazy future,
  ## which means for some backends (e.g. sequential) this means
  ## that resolved() might end up returning TRUE.
  f <- resolve(f)
  v <- value(f)
  stopifnot(v == 84)

  a <- 42
  v %<-% { 2 * a } %lazy% TRUE
  a <- 21
  f <- futureOf(v)  
  ## In future (> 1.14.0), resolved() will launch lazy future,
  ## which means for some backends (e.g. sequential) this means
  ## that resolved() might end up returning TRUE.
  f <- resolve(f)
  stopifnot(v == 84)

  mprintf("- plan('%s') ... DONE\n", strategy)
} ## for (strategy ...)

message("*** Futures - lazy ... DONE")


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future.batchtools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:18 a.m.