Man pages for gRim
Graphical Interaction Models

cg-statsMean, covariance and counts for grouped data (statistics for...
citest-arrayTest for conditional independence in a contingency table
citest-dfTest for conditional independence in a dataframe
citest-genericGeneric function for conditional independence test
citest-mvnTest for conditional independence in the multivariate normal...
citest-ordinalA function to compute Monte Carlo and asymptotic tests of...
cmodGraphical Gaussian model
coerce_modelsCoerce models to different representations
emat_operationsEdge matrix operations
fast_covFast computation of covariance / correlation matrix
fit_ggm_gripsFit Gaussian graphical models
generate_modelsGenerate various grapical models
generate_n01Genrate matrix of N(0, 1) variables
getEdgesFind edges in a graph or edges not in an undirected graph.
ggmfitIterative proportional fitting of graphical Gaussian model
imodel-dmodDiscrete interaction model (log-linear model)
imodel-generalGeneral functions related to iModels
imodel-infoGet information about mixed interaction model objects
imodel-mmodMixed interaction model.
impose_zeroImpose zeros in matrix entries which do not correspond to an...
internalInternal functions for the gRim package
loglin-dimReturn the dimension of a log-linear model
loglin-effloglinFitting Log-Linear Models by Message Passing
modify_glistModify generating class for a graphical/hierarchical model
parm-conversionConversion between different parametrizations of mixed models
parse_gm_formulaParse graphical model formula
stepwiseStepwise model selection in (graphical) interaction models
testaddTest addition of edge to graphical model
testdeleteTest deletion of edge from an interaction model
test-edgesTest edges in graphical models with p-value/AIC value
utilities_gripsUtilities for gRips
gRim documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:02 p.m.