
##' @include misc.R

##' method for stopping getWidget
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets2RGtk2-undocumented
##' @method getWidget RGtkObject
## @export getWidget RGtkObject
getWidget.RGtkObject <- function(obj) obj

##' S3 method for stopping getBlock
##' @export
##' @rdname gWidgets2RGtk2-undocumented
##' @method getBlock RGtkObject
## @export getBlock RGtkObject
getBlock.RGtkObject <- function(obj) obj

##  Font method for gtk object
##  @export
##  @rdname font
## "font<-.RGtkObject" <- function(obj, value) {
##   ## set fonts from value
##   ## value might be a vector, we use a list -- from .fixFontMessUp
##   if(!is.list(value)) 
##     value <- sapply(value, identical, simplify=FALSE)
##   string <- ""

##   ## do family, weight, style
##   for(i in c("family", "weight", "style")) {
##     if(!is.null(value[[i]])) {
##       x <- .font.styles[[i]]
##       ind <- charmatch(value[[i]], x)
##       if(!is.na(ind)) {
##         string <- paste(string, x[ind[1]], sep=" ")
##         if(i == "family")
##           string <- paste(string,",", sep="")
##       }
##     }
##   }
##   ## size can be integer or name -- relative to 12pt
##   if(!is.null(value$size)) {
##     ## is it numeric or character?
##     warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn=2) # hack to avoid warning -- we want an error here
##     out <- try(as.integer(value[['size']]), silent=TRUE)
##     options(warn=warn)
##     if(!inherits(out, "try-error"))
##       string <- Paste(string," ",out)
##     else if (!is.na(ind <- charmatch(value[['size']], names(fontSizes)))) # fuzzy match?
##       string <- Paste(string, " ", paste(ceiling(12*fontSizes[ind[1]]),"px", sep=""))
##   }
##   string <- gsub(",$","",string) # strip , if present
##   if(string != "") {
##     fontDescr = pangoFontDescriptionFromString(string)
##     obj$ModifyFont(fontDescr)
##   }
##   ## colors
##   if(!is.null(value$color))
##     obj$modifyFg(GtkStateType[1], value[['color']])
## }

## mouse click processing

##' Return TRUE if first mouse click
##' To be called from key-press|release-event
##' @param e event for mouse press
##' @return TRUE or FALSE
isFirstMouseClick <- function(e) {
  if(!is(e, "GdkEvent"))
    stop("Must pass in an event")
  e$getButton() == 1

##' Return TRUE/FALSE if right mouse click
##' To be called from key-press|release-event
##' @param e event for mouse press
##' @return TRUE or FALSE
isRightMouseClick <- function(e) {
  if(!is(e, "GdkEvent"))
    stop("Must pass in an event")
  e$GetButton() == 3 ||
  (is_MacOSX() && e$GetState() == GdkModifierType['control-mask'] && e$GetButton() == 1) 

## for drag and drop we define some global values

## parameters
TARGET.TYPE.TEXT   <- 80L                # our enumeration
TARGET.TYPE.OBJECT <- 81L                  
widgetTargetTypes <- 
  list(text = gtkTargetEntry("text/plain", 0, 
       object = gtkTargetEntry("text/plain", 0, 

## an environment to store objects and times when dragging and dropping
.dnd.env <- new.env()
.dnd.env[['last_time']] <- 0

## Map between R class an dGObject class
## right way, but was not working...
## RtoGObjectConversion <- function(x) UseMethod("RtoGObjectConversion")
## RtoGObjectConversion.default <- function(x) "gchararray"
## RtoGObjectConversion.factor <- function(x) "gchararray"
## RtoGObjectConversion.integer <- function(x) "gint"
## RtoGObjectConversion.numeric <- function(x) "double"
## RtoGObjectConversion.RGtkObject <- function(x) "GObject"
## RtoGObjectConversion.logical <- function(x) "gboolean"

RtoGObjectConversion <- function(x) {
  if(is(x, "factor"))
  else if(is(x, "integer"))
  else if(is(x, "numeric"))
  else if(is(x, "logical"))

Try the gWidgets2RGtk2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gWidgets2RGtk2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:44 a.m.