
## ---- include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = FALSE

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  # Approach #1: use an option.
#  # Either specify the user:
#  options(gargle_oauth_email = "")
#  # Or, if you only use one Google identity, you can be more vague:
#  options(gargle_oauth_email = TRUE)
#  # Or, you can specify the identity to use at the domain level:
#  options(gargle_oauth_email = "*")
#  # Approach #2: call PACKAGE_auth() proactively.
#  library(googledrive)
#  # Either specify the user:
#  drive_auth(email = "")
#  # Or, if you only use one Google identity, you can be more vague:
#  drive_auth(email = TRUE)
#  # Or, you can specify the identity to use at the domain level:
#  drive_auth(email = "*")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  drive_auth <- function(email = gargle::gargle_oauth_email(),
#                         path = NULL,
#                         scopes = "",
#                         cache = gargle::gargle_oauth_cache(),
#                         use_oob = gargle::gargle_oob_default(),
#                         token = NULL) { ... }

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  # removes `credentials_gce()` from gargle's registry
#  gargle::cred_funs_add(credentials_gce = NULL)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  options(gargle.gce.use_ip = TRUE)
#  t <- gargle::credentials_gce("")
#  # ... do authenticated stuff with the token t ...

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(PKG)
#  options(gargle.gce.use_ip = TRUE)
#  t <- gargle::credentials_gce(
#    "", # use YOUR service account
#    scopes = ""       # use REAL scopes
#  )
#  PKG_auth(token = t)
#  # ... do authenticated stuff...

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(googledrive)
#  drive_auth(path = "/path/to/your/service-account-token.json")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  t <- gargle::credentials_service_account(
#    path = "/path/to/your/service-account-token.json",
#    scopes = ...,
#    subject = ""
#  )
#  googledrive::dive_auth(token = t)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  options(gargle_verbosity = "debug")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(googledrive)
#  my_oauth_token <- # some process that results in the token you want to use
#  drive_auth(token = my_oauth_token)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  # googledrive
#  drive_auth(token = readRDS("/path/to/your/oauth-token.rds"))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(googledrive)
#  # do anything that triggers auth
#  drive_find(n_max)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  options(gargle_oauth_email = TRUE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  options(gargle_oauth_email = "")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  options(gargle_oauth_email = "*")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  drive_auth(email = TRUE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  drive_auth(email = "")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  drive_auth(email = "*")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(googledrive)
#  # designate project-specific cache
#  options(gargle_oauth_cache = ".secrets")
#  # check the value of the option, if you like
#  gargle::gargle_oauth_cache()
#  # trigger auth on purpose --> store a token in the specified cache
#  drive_auth()
#  # see your token file in the cache, if you like
#  list.files(".secrets/")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(googledrive)
#  # trigger auth on purpose --> store a token in the specified cache
#  drive_auth(cache = ".secrets")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(googledrive)
#  options(
#    gargle_oauth_cache = ".secrets",
#    gargle_oauth_email = TRUE
#  )
#  # now use googledrive with no need for explicit auth
#  drive_find(n_max = 5)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(googledrive)
#  options(
#    gargle_oauth_cache = ".secrets",
#    gargle_oauth_email = ""
#  )
#  # now use googledrive with no need for explicit auth
#  drive_find(n_max = 5)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(googledrive)
#  drive_auth(cache = ".secrets", email = TRUE)
#  # now use googledrive with no need for explicit auth
#  drive_find(n_max = 5)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(googledrive)
#  drive_auth(cache = ".secrets", email = "")
#  # now use googledrive with no need for explicit auth
#  drive_find(n_max = 5)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  options(gargle_verbosity = "debug")

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gargle documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:29 p.m.