Ktlist3d: Ktlist3d

Description Usage Format Details Note See Also


Ktlist3d hold multiple kt for recursive fit




An object of class C++Class of length 1.


Ktlist3d hold multiple kt via consider all possible fit onto different xp and different rotation and nlimit

a Ktlist3d class instance has 4 fields:

- n: length of kt candidate position scale vector list

- kt: candidate (x, y, z, l, d, h) fit of it current investigating

- xp: candidate extreme point list after kt fit into each corresponding (x, y, z, l, d, h) position scale

- s: score of each kt fit: calculate overall extrem point residual space entropy as score, the smaller the better, since smaller entropy indicate concentrated residual space and less number of extreme point.


internal cpp class use in gbp3d_solver_dpp()

See Also

Other gbp3d_it: gbp3d_it_create_ktlist

gbp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:04 a.m.