gbp1d: gbp1d

Description Usage Format Details See Also


generalized bin packing problem in 1 dimension, a.k.a knapsack 0-1 problem.




An object of class C++Class of length 1.


gbp1d init a profit vector p, a weight vector w, and a weight constraint c, gbp1d solver would solve

maximize sum_j=1^n p_j x_j

subject to sum_j=1^n w_j x_j leq c x_j in 0, 1, j = 1, ...., n

and instantiate a gbp1d object with a selectin vector x and an objective z.

gbp1d is implemented as rcpp class, an instantiate can be solved by calling gbp1d_solver_dpp(p, w, c) and gbp1d_solver_min(p, w, c)

See Also

Other gbp1d: gbp1d_solver_dpp

gbp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:04 a.m.