
Defines functions estimate_sandwich_matrices estimate_GFUN_roots

Documented in estimate_GFUN_roots estimate_sandwich_matrices

# estimate_** description:
# Functions that estimate quantities from an m_estimation_basis *or* are higher
# level wrappers for estimate_** functions (e.g. m_estimate()). The workhorses
# of performing M-estimation

#' Estimate roots for a set of estimating equations
#' Using the \code{rootFUN} specified by the user (defaults to \code{\link[rootSolve]{multiroot}}),
#' this function estimates the roots of the equations:
#' \deqn{G_m = sum_i psi(O_i, \hat{\theta}) = 0}{G_m = sum_i psi(O_i, theta) = 0}
#' This is primilary an internal function used within \code{\link{m_estimate}},
#' but it is exported for use in debugging and development.
#' For an example of how to use a different \code{rootFUN},
#' see the root solver vignette, \code{vignette('geex_root_solvers', package = 'geex')}.
#' @param .basis an object of class \code{\linkS4class{m_estimation_basis}}
#' @return the output of the \code{rootFUN} function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myee <- function(data){
#'   function(theta){
#'     c(data$Y1 - theta[1],
#'      (data$Y1 - theta[1])^2 - theta[2])
#'    }
#'  }
#' # Start with a basic basis
#' mybasis <- create_basis(
#'   estFUN = myee,
#'   data   = geexex)
#' # Add a control for the root solver
#' mycontrol <- new('geex_control', .root = setup_root_control(start = c(1, 1)))
#' mybasis@.control <- mycontrol
#' # Now estimate roots of GFUN
#' roots <- estimate_GFUN_roots(mybasis)
#' roots

estimate_GFUN_roots <- function(.basis){
  GFUN    <- grab_GFUN(.basis)
  rootFUN <- match.fun(grab_FUN(.basis@.control, "root"))
  rargs   <- append(grab_options(.basis@.control, "root"), list(f = GFUN))
  do.call(rootFUN, args = rargs)

#' Estimate component matrices of the empirical sandwich covariance estimator
#' For a given set of estimating equations computes the 'meat' (\eqn{B_m}{B_m}
#' in Stefanski and Boos notation) and 'bread' (\eqn{A_m}{A_m} in Stefanski and
#'  Boos notation) matrices necessary to compute the covariance matrix.
#' @param .basis basis an object of class \code{\linkS4class{m_estimation_basis}}
#' @param .theta vector of parameter estimates (i.e. estimated roots)
#' @return a \code{\linkS4class{sandwich_components}} object
#' @details For a set of estimating equations (\eqn{\sum_i \psi(O_i, \theta) = 0}{sum_i \psi(O_i, \theta) = 0}),
#' this function computes:
#' \deqn{A_i =  \partial \psi(O_i, \theta)/\partial \theta}{A_i =  \partial \psi(O_i, \theta)/\partial \theta}
#' \deqn{A =  \sum_i A_i}{A =  \sum_i A_i}
#' \deqn{B_i =  \psi(O_i, \theta)\psi(O_i, \theta)^T}{B_i = outer(\psi(O_i, \theta), \psi(O_i, \theta))}
#' \deqn{B =  \sum_i B_i}{B =  \sum_i B_i}
#' where all of the above are evaluated at \eqn{\hat{\theta}}{hat(\theta)}. The partial derivatives in \eqn{A_i}{A_i}
#' numerically approximated by the function defined in \code{\linkS4class{deriv_control}}.
#' Note that \eqn{A =  \sum_i A_i}{A =  \sum_i A_i} and not \eqn{\sum_i A_i/m}{A =  \sum_i A_i/m}, and the same for \eqn{B}{B}.
#' @export
#' @references Stefanski, L. A., & Boos, D. D. (2002). The calculus of m-estimation. The American Statistician, 56(1), 29-38.
#' @examples
#' myee <- function(data){
#'   function(theta){
#'     c(data$Y1 - theta[1],
#'      (data$Y1 - theta[1])^2 - theta[2])
#'    }
#'  }
#' # Start with a basic basis
#' mybasis <- create_basis(
#'   estFUN = myee,
#'   data   = geexex)
#' # Now estimate sandwich matrices
#' estimate_sandwich_matrices(
#'  mybasis, c(mean(geexex$Y1), var(geexex$Y1)))

estimate_sandwich_matrices <- function(.basis, .theta){

  derivFUN <- match.fun(grab_FUN(.basis@.control, "deriv"))
  derivOPT <- grab_options(.basis@.control, "deriv")
  w        <- .basis@.weights
  psi_list <- grab_psiFUN_list(.basis)

  # Compute the negative of the derivative matrix of estimating eqn functions
  # (the information matrix)
  A_i <- lapply(psi_list, function(ee){
    args <- append(list(func = ee, x = .theta), derivOPT)
    val  <- do.call(derivFUN, args = append(args, .basis@.inner_args))

  A <- compute_sum_of_list(A_i, w)

  # Compute observed estimating function
  ee_i <- lapply(psi_list, function(ee){
    do.call(ee, args = append(list(theta = .theta), .basis@.inner_args))

  # Compute outer product of observed estimating function
  B_i <- lapply(ee_i, function(ee) {
    ee %*% t(ee)

  B <- compute_sum_of_list(B_i, w)

      .A = A, .A_i = A_i, .B = B, .B_i = B_i, .ee_i = ee_i)

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geex documentation built on Aug. 8, 2022, 5:05 p.m.