
Defines functions m_estimate

Documented in m_estimate

#' Estimate parameters and their covariance from a set of estimating equations
#' @description
#' M-estimation theory provides a framework for asympotic properties of estimators
#' that are solutions to estimating equations. Many R packages implement specific
#' applications of estimating equations. \pkg{geex} aims to be provide a more general
#' framework that any modelling method can use to compute point and variance estimates
#' for parameters that are solutions to estimating equations of the form:
#' \deqn{\sum_i \psi(O_i, \hat{\theta}) = 0}{\sum_i \psi(O_i, \theta) = 0}
#' @param estFUN a function that takes in group-level data and returns a function
#' that takes parameters as its first argument
#' @param data a data.frame
#' @param units an optional character string identifying the grouping variable in \code{data}
#' @param weights an optional vector of weights. See details.
#' @param outer_args a list of arguments passed to the outer (data) function of \code{estFUN}. (optional)
#' @param inner_args a list of arguments passed to the inner (theta) function of \code{estFUN}. (optional)
#' @param corrections an optional list of small sample corrections where each
#' list element is a \code{\linkS4class{correct_control}} object which contains
#' two elements: \code{correctFUN} and \code{correctFUN_options}. The function
#' \code{\link{correction}} constructs \code{\linkS4class{correct_control}} objects.
#' See details for more information.
#' @param compute_roots whether or not to find the roots of the estimating equations.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param compute_vcov whether or not to compute the variance-covariance matrix.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param Asolver a function passed to \code{compute_sigma} used to compute the
#'  inverse of the "bread" matrix. Defaults to \code{\link{solve}}.
#' @param roots a vector of parameter estimates must be provided if \code{compute_roots = FALSE}
#' @param deriv_control a \code{\linkS4class{deriv_control}} object
#' @param root_control a \code{\linkS4class{root_control}} object
#' @param approx_control a \code{\linkS4class{approx_control}} object
#' @details The basic idea of \pkg{geex} is for the analyst to provide at least
#' two items:
#' \itemize{
#' \item data
#' \item \code{estFUN}: (the \eqn{\psi} function), a function that takes unit-level
#' data and returns a function in terms of parameters (\eqn{\theta})
#' }
#' With the \code{estFUN}, \pkg{geex} computes the roots of the estimating equations
#' and/or the empirical sandwich variance estimator.
#' The root finding algorithm defaults to \code{\link[rootSolve]{multiroot}} to
#' estimate roots though the solver algorithm can be specified in the \code{rootFUN}
#' argument. Starting values for \code{\link[rootSolve]{multiroot}} are passed via the
#' \code{root_control} argument. See \code{vignette("v03_root_solvers", package = "geex")}
#' for information on customizing the root solver function.
#' To compute only the covariance matrix, set \code{compute_roots = FALSE} and pass
#' estimates of \eqn{\theta} via the \code{roots} argument.
#' M-estimation is often used for clustered data, and a variable by which to split
#' the data.frame  into independent units is specified by the \code{units} argument.
#' This argument defaults to \code{NULL}, in which case the number of units equals
#' the number of rows in the data.frame.
#' For information on the finite-sample corrections, refer to the finite sample
#' correction API vignette: \code{vignette("v05_finite_sample_corrections", package = "geex")}
#' @section Writing an estFUN:
#' \subsection{Description}{
#' An \code{estFUN} is a function representing \eqn{\psi}{\psi}. \pkg{geex} works
#' by breaking \eqn{\psi}{\psi} into two parts:
#' \itemize{
#' \item the "outer" part of the \code{estFUN} which manipulates \code{data} and
#' \code{outer_args} and returns an
#' \item "inner" function of \code{theta} and \code{inner_args}. Internally, this
#' "inner" function is called \code{psiFUN}.
#' }
#' In pseudo-code this looks like:
#' \preformatted{
#' function(data, <<outer_args>>){
#'   O <- manipulate(data, <<outer_args>>)
#'   function(theta, <<inner_args>>){
#'     map(O, to = theta, and = <<inner_args>>)
#'   }
#' }}
#' See the examples below or the package vignettes to see an \code{estFUN}
#' in action.
#' Importantly, the \code{data} used in an \code{estFUN} is *unit* level data,
#' which may be single rows in a data.frame or block of rows for clustered data.
#' }
#' \subsection{Additional arguments}{
#' Additional arguments may be passed to both the inner and outer function of the
#' \code{estFUN}. Elements in an \code{outer_args} list are passed to the outer
#' function; any elements of the \code{inner_args} list are passed to the inner
#' function. For an example, see the finite sample correction vignette [\code{
#' vignette("v05_finite_sample_corrections", package = "geex")}].
#' }
#' @section Setting up root_control:
#' To estimate roots of the estimating functions, \pkg{geex} uses the \pkg{rootSolve}
#' \code{\link[rootSolve]{multiroot}} function by default, which requires starting
#' values. The \code{root_control} argument expects a \code{\linkS4class{root_control}}
#' object, which the utility function \code{\link{setup_root_control}} aids in
#' creating. For example, \code{setup_root_control(start = 4)} creates a
#' \code{\linkS4class{root_control}} setting the starting value to 4. In general,
#' the dimension of \code{start} must the same as \code{theta} in the inner
#' \code{estFUN}.
#' @section Using weights:
#' In some situations, use of weights can massively speed computations. Refer
#' to \code{vignette("v04_weights", package = "geex")} for an example.
#' @return a \code{\linkS4class{geex}} object
#' @references Stefanski, L. A., & Boos, D. D. (2002). The calculus of M-estimation.
#' The American Statistician, 56(1), 29-38.
#' @examples
#' # Estimate the mean and variance of Y1 in the geexex dataset
#' ex_eeFUN <- function(data){
#'  function(theta){
#'    with(data,
#'     c(Y1 - theta[1],
#'      (Y1 - theta[1])^2 - theta[2] ))
#' }}
#' m_estimate(
#'  estFUN = ex_eeFUN,
#'  data  = geexex,
#'  root_control = setup_root_control(start = c(1,1)))
#' # compare to the mean() and variance() functions
#' mean(geexex$Y1)
#' n <- nrow(geexex)
#' var(geexex$Y1) * (n - 1)/n
#' # A simple linear model for regressing X1 and X2 on Y4
#' lm_eefun <- function(data){
#'  X <- cbind(1, data$X1, data$X2)
#'  Y <- data$Y4
#'  function(theta){
#'     t(X) %*% (Y - X %*% theta)
#'    }
#'  }
#' m_estimate(
#'  estFUN = lm_eefun,
#'  data  = geexex,
#'  root_control = setup_root_control(start = c(0, 0, 0)))
#' # Compare to lm() results
#' summary(lm(Y4 ~ X1 + X2, data = geexex))
#' @export

m_estimate <- function(estFUN,
                       units             = character(0),
                       weights           = numeric(0),
                       outer_args        = list(),
                       inner_args        = list(),
                       roots             = NULL,
                       compute_roots     = TRUE,
                       compute_vcov      = TRUE,
                       Asolver           = solve,
  call    <- match.call()
  control <- methods::new('geex_control')

    set_control(control, 'deriv') <- deriv_control
    set_control(control, 'root') <- root_control
    set_control(control, 'approx') <- approx_control

  basis <- methods::new("m_estimation_basis",
                        .estFUN     = estFUN,
                        .data       = data,
                        .units      = units,
                        .weights    = weights,
                        .outer_args = outer_args,
                        .inner_args = inner_args,
                        .control    = control)

  out <- methods::new('geex',
                      basis           = basis)
  out@call <- call
  ## Checks/Warnings ##
  if(is.null(roots) & !compute_roots){
    stop('If compute_roots = FALSE, estimates for the roots must be specified in the roots argument.')

  ## Compute estimating equation roots ##
  if(compute_roots == TRUE){
    eesolved <- estimate_GFUN_roots(basis)
    out@rootFUN_results <- eesolved
    theta_hat <- eesolved[[root_control@.object_name]]
  } else {
    theta_hat <- roots

  out@estimates <- theta_hat

  ## Compute component matrices ##
  if(compute_vcov == TRUE){
    mats <- estimate_sandwich_matrices(.basis = basis, .theta = theta_hat)
    ## Compute corrections ##
      out@corrections <- make_corrections(mats, corrections)

    out@sandwich_components <- mats
    ## Compute covariance estimate(s) ##
    out@vcov <- compute_sigma(A = grab_bread(mats), B = grab_meat(mats),
                              solver = Asolver)
  } else {
    mats <- methods::new('sandwich_components')


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geex documentation built on Aug. 8, 2022, 5:05 p.m.