# .slot.attribute=function(x, attb, pos=1L){
# if(x%in%attb) {
# return(attb)
# } else {
# y=character(length(attb)+length(x))
# x.idx=c(pos:(pos+length(x)-1L))
# attb.idx=(1:length(y))[-x.idx]
# y[x.idx]=x
# y[attb.idx]=attb
# return(y)
# }
# }
#, cache){
# rtidx=cache$root
# cache$y["m",rtidx]=root
# attr(cache$y,"given")[rtidx]=as.integer(TRUE)
# cache
# }
#, dat, SE = NA, model=c("BM", "OU", "EB", "trend", "lambda", "kappa", "delta", "drift", "white"), ...){
# model=match.arg(model, c("BM", "OU", "EB", "trend", "lambda", "kappa", "delta", "drift", "white"))
#, dat, SE=SE, ...)
# cache$ordering=attributes(cache$phy)$order ## SHOULD BE POSTORDER
# cache$N = cache$n.tip
# cache$n = cache$n.node
# cache$nn = (cache$root+1):(cache$N+cache$n)
# cache$intorder = as.integer(cache$order[-length(cache$order)])
# cache$tiporder = as.integer(1:cache$N)
# cache$z = length(cache$len)
# # function for reshaping edges by model
# FUN=switch(model,
# BM=.null.cache(cache),
# OU=.ou.cache(cache),
# EB=.eb.cache(cache),
# trend=.trend.cache(cache),
# lambda=.lambda.cache(cache),
# kappa=.kappa.cache(cache),
# drift=.null.cache(cache),
# white=.white.cache(cache)
# )
#, sigsq, q=NULL, drift=NULL, se=NULL){
# n.cache=cache
# given=attr(n.cache$y,"given")
# ## q
# if(is.null(q)) {
# llf=FUN()
# } else {
# llf=FUN(q)
# }
# ll=llf$len
# ## drift
# dd=0
# if(!is.null(drift)) dd=drift
# ## se
# adjvar=as.integer(attr(n.cache$y,"adjse"))
# adjSE=any(adjvar==1)
# .xxSE=function(cache){
# vv=cache$y["s",]^2
# ff=function(x){
# if(any(adjvar==1->ww)){
# vv[which(ww)]=x^2
# return(vv)
# } else {
# return(vv)
# }
# }
# return(ff)
# }
# modSE=.xxSE(n.cache)
# vv=as.numeric(modSE(se))
# datC=list(
# len = as.numeric(ll),
# intorder = as.integer(n.cache$intorder),
# tiporder = as.integer(n.cache$tiporder),
# root = as.integer(n.cache$root),
# y = as.numeric(n.cache$y["m", ]),
# var = as.numeric(vv),
# n = as.integer(n.cache$z),
# given = as.integer(given),
# descRight = as.integer(n.cache$children[ ,1]),
# descLeft = as.integer(n.cache$children[, 2]),
# drift = as.numeric(dd)
# )
# #print(datC)
# parsC=as.numeric(rep(sigsq, n.cache$z))
# out = .Call("bm_direct", dat = datC, pars = parsC, PACKAGE = "geiger")
# loglik <- sum(out$lq)
# if( loglik=-Inf
# attr(loglik, "ROOT.MAX")=out$initM[datC$root]
# class(loglik)=c("glnL", class(loglik))
# return(loglik)
# }
# class( <- c("bm", "dtlik", "function")
# fx_exporter=function(){
# ## OPTIONAL arguments
# attb=c()
# if(!is.null(qq<-argn(FUN))){
# adjQ=TRUE
# attb=c(attb, qq)
# } else {
# adjQ=FALSE
# }
# #sigsq
# attb=c(attb, "sigsq")
# #SE
# if(any(attr(cache$y, "adjse")==1)) {
# attb=c(attb, "SE")
# }
# #drift
# if(model=="drift") {
# attb=c(attb, "drift")
# }
# cache$attb=attb ## current attributes (potentially modified with 'recache' below)
# lik <- function(pars, ...) {
# ## ADJUSTMENTS of cache
# recache=function(nodes=NULL, root="max", cache){
# r.cache=cache
# if(root=="max"){
# rtmx=TRUE
# } else if(root%in%c("obs", "given")){
# rtmx=FALSE
# r.cache$attb=c(cache$attb, "z0")
# } else {
# stop("unusable 'root' type specified")
# }
# r.cache$ROOT.MAX=rtmx
# if(!is.null(nodes)) {
# m=r.cache$y["m",]
# s=r.cache$y["s",]
# g=attr(r.cache$y, "given")
# nn=r.cache$nn
# r.cache$y=.cache.y.nodes(m, s, g, nn, nodes=nodes)
# }
# r.cache
# }
# rcache=recache(..., cache=cache)
# attb=rcache$attb
# ## REFIGURE optional arguments
# # attb=c()
# #q
# # if(!is.null(qq<-argn(FUN))){
# # adjQ=TRUE
# # attb=c(attb, qq)
# # } else {
# # adjQ=FALSE
# # }
# #sigsq
# # attb=c(attb, "sigsq")
# #SE
# # if(any(attr(rcache$y, "adjse")==1)) {
# # adjSE=TRUE
# # attb=c(attb, "SE")
# # } else {
# # adjSE=FALSE
# # }
# #drift
# # if(model=="drift") {
# # attb=c(attb, "drift")
# # } else {
# # }
# #z0
# # if(!rcache$ROOT.MAX) {
# # adjROOT=TRUE
# # attb=c(attb, "z0")
# # } else {
# # }
# if(missing(pars)) stop(paste("The following 'pars' are expected:\n\t", paste(attb, collapse="\n\t", sep=""), sep=""))
# pars=.repars(pars, attb)
# names(pars)=attb
# if(adjQ) q = pars[[qq]] else q = NULL
# sigsq = pars[["sigsq"]]
# if("SE"%in%attb) se=pars[["SE"]] else se=NULL
# if("drift"%in%attb) drift=-pars[["drift"]] else drift=0
# if("z0"%in%attb)[["z0"]], rcache)
# ll =, sigsq=sigsq, q=q, drift=drift, se=se)
# return(ll)
# }
# attr(lik, "argn") = attb
# attr(lik, "cache") <- cache
# class(lik) = c("bm", "function")
# lik
# }
# likfx=fx_exporter()
# return(likfx)
# }
# .mcmc=function(lik, prior=list(), start=NULL, proposal=NULL, control=list(n=1e4, s=100, w=1)){
# #mcmc(lik, start=c(sigsq=1, SE=1, z0=4), prior=list(sigsq=function(x) dexp(x, 1/1000, log=TRUE), SE=function(x) dexp(x, 1/1000, log=TRUE), z0=function(x) dnorm(x, mean=mean(dat), sd=100, log=TRUE)), control=list(n=20000, s=50))max=max(bounds[x,]))))
# ## require the msm package to get the dnorm
# ## require(msm)
# .geigerwarn(immediate.=TRUE)
# ct=list(n=1e4, s=100, w=1, sample.priors=FALSE)
# ct[names(control)]=control
# par=argn(lik)
# # uniform
# unipr=function(a,b) function(x) dunif(x, min=a, max=b, log=TRUE)
# # truncated normal (from msm:::dtnorm)
# tnormpr=function(a,b,m,s) {
# denom=pnorm(b, mean=m, sd=s) - pnorm(a, mean=m, sd=s)
# function(x) {
# ret=numeric(length(x))
# if(any(x>=a & x<=b)->ww) {
# ret[ww]=dnorm(x[ww], mean=m, sd=s, log=TRUE)-log(denom)
# }
# if(any(!ww)) ret[!ww]=-Inf
# ret
# }
# }
# # default
# priors=list(
# z0=unipr(-1e6, 1e6),
# sigsq=tnormpr(-500, 100, m=-500, s=100),
# alpha=tnormpr(-500, 5, m=-500, s=100),
# a=unipr(-10, 10),
# drift=unipr(-100, 100),
# slope=unipr(-100, 100),
# lambda=unipr(0, 1),
# kappa=unipr(0, 1),
# delta=unipr(0, 2.999999),
# SE=tnormpr(-500, 100, m=-500, s=100),
# trns=tnormpr(-500, 100, m=-500, s=100)
# )
# # parameter space
# epar=c("z0", "sigsq", "alpha", "a", "drift", "slope", "lambda", "kappa", "delta", "SE", "trns")
# names(epar)=c("nat", "exp", "exp", "nat", "nat", "nat", "nat", "nat", "nat", "exp", "exp")
# for(i in names(priors)){
# xx=match(i, epar)
# attr(priors[[i]], "type")=names(epar)[xx]
# }
# priors[names(prior)]=prior
# if(!all(par%in%names(prior))) {
# warning(paste("Default prior(s) used for:\n\t", paste(par[!par%in%names(prior)], collapse="\n\t"), sep=""))
# }
# if(!all(par%in%names(priors))) {
# flag=paste("Missing prior(s) for:\n\t", paste(missingpar<-par[!par%in%names(priors)], collapse="\n\t"), sep="")
# attb=attributes(lik)
# if(is.null(trns<-attb$trns)) stop(flag)
# if(any(trns)) pp=lapply(par[which(trns)], function(x) priors$trns) else stop(flag)
# names(pp)=par[which(trns)]
# priors=c(priors, pp)
# }
# priors=priors[par]
# chk=sapply(priors, function(x) {
# if(!is.null(attributes(x)$type)){
# attributes(x)$type%in%c("exp","nat")
# } else {
# return(FALSE)
# }
# })
# if(any(!chk)) stop("Ensure that priors are given as a list and that each prior has a 'type' attribute that is either 'exp' or 'nat'")
# bounds=lapply(priors, function(x) {
# ee=environment(x)
# if(is.null(ee$a)) a=-Inf else a=ee$a
# if(is.null(ee$b)) b=Inf else b=ee$b
# return(list(min=a, max=b))
# })
# typ=sapply(priors, function(x) attributes(x)$type)
# flik=function(p){
# pp=ifelse(typ=="exp", exp(p), p)
# lik(pp)
# }
# getstart=function(bounds){
# fx=function(bound){
# bb=unlist(bound)
# if(any(is.infinite(bb))){
# bb[which(bb==min(bb))]=max(c(-100, min(bb)))
# bb[which(bb==max(bb))]=min(c(100, max(bb)))
# }
# rr=diff(bb)
# as.numeric(min(bb)+rr*runif(1, 0, 1/3)) # get value from lower third of range
# }
# sapply(as.list(bounds), fx)
# }
# count=0
# while(1){
# fstart=FALSE
# flag="'start' should be a named vector of starting values with names in argn(lik), returning a finite likelihood"
# if(is.null(start)) start=getstart(bounds[par]) else start=try(ifelse(typ=="exp", log(start), start), silent=TRUE)
# if(inherits(start, "try-error")) stop(flag)
# if(any( stop(flag)
# lnLc=try(flik(start), silent=TRUE)
# if(inherits(lnLc, "try-error")) count=count+1
# if(!is.numeric(lnLc) | count=count+1 else break()
# if(count==100) stop(flag)
# next()
# }
# if(is.null(proposal)) {
# proposal=structure(rep(1,length(par)), names=par)
# } else {
# if(!setequal(names(proposal), par)){
# stop("'proposal' must be supplied as a named vector of proposal frequencies with names in argn(lik)")
# } else {
# proposal=proposal[par]
# }
# }
# tmp=cumsum(proposal)
# proposal=structure(tmp/max(tmp), names=par)
# cur<-structure(start, names=par)
# n_prop<-a_prop<-structure(numeric(length(par)), names=par)
# cur<-new<-structure(numeric(length(par)), names=par)
# kp=seq(0, ct$n, by=ct$s)
# kp[1]=1
# tab=matrix(NA, nrow=length(kp), ncol=length(par)+1)
# rownames(tab)=kp
# colnames(tab)=c(par,"lnL")
# tf=ceiling(seq(1,ct$n, length.out=30))
# for(i in 1:ct$n){
# while(1){
# new<-cur
# if(any( stop()
# choice=names(proposal)[min(which(runif(1)<proposal))]
# cpar=cur[[choice]]
# if(runif(1)<0.75) {
# cprop=.proposal.multiplier(cpar, ct$w, bounds[[choice]])
# } else {
# cprop=.proposal.slidingwindow(cpar, ct$w, bounds[[choice]])
# }
# ppar=cprop$v
# new[[choice]]=ppar
# lnLn=try(suppressWarnings(flik(new)), silent=TRUE)
# if(is.finite(lnLn)){
# lnh=cprop$lnHastingsRatio
# lnp=.dlnratio(cpar, ppar, priors[[choice]])
# if(is.finite(lnp) & is.finite(lnh)) break()
# } else {
# if(runif(1)){
# lnh=0
# lnp=0
# lnLn=lnLc
# new=cur
# }
# }
# }
# r=.proc.lnR(i, choice, lnLc, lnLn, lnp, lnh, heat=1, control=ct)$r
# n_prop[[choice]]<-n_prop[[choice]]+1
# if(runif(1)<r){
# a_prop[[choice]]<-a_prop[[choice]]+1
# cur<-new
# lnLc<-lnLn
# }
# if(i%in%tf) {
# if(i==1) cat("|",rep(" ",9),toupper("generations complete"),rep(" ",9),"|","\n")
# xx=sum(tf==i)
# for(j in 1:xx) cat(". ")
# if(i==ct$n) cat("\n")
# }
# if(i%in%kp) tab[which(kp==i),]=c(ifelse(typ=="exp",exp(cur),cur), lnLc)
# if(i==max(kp)){
# cat("\n\n",rep(" ",10),toupper(" sampling summary"),"\n")
# df=structure(data.frame(proposed=n_prop, accepted=a_prop, adoptrate=a_prop/n_prop), rownames=par)
# if(any( df[]=0
# .print.table(df, digits=c(0,0,4), buffer=6)
# }
# }
# return(tab)
# }
# .TESTING.root.phylo=function(phy, outgroup, taxonomy=NULL){
# ## GENERAL FUNCTION FOR ROOTING (based on outgroup)
# # taxonomy: classification data.frame with 'species' minimally as a rownames
# if(!is.null(sys)) {
# sys=cbind(rn=rownames(sys), taxonomy)
# rows=unique(unlist(sapply(outgroup, function(o) which(sys==o, arr.ind=TRUE)[,1])))
# outgroup=rownames(sys)[rows]
# outgroup=outgroup[outgroup%in%phy$tip.label]
# } else {
# if(!all(outgroup%in%phy$tip.label)) stop("Some 'outgroup' appear missing from 'phy'.")
# }
# tips=match(outgroup, phy$tip.label)
# node=getMRCA(phy,tips)
# if(node==Ntip(phy)+1){
# node=getMRCA(phy, (1:Ntip(phy))[-tips])
# }
# rooted=root(phy, node=node, resolve.root=TRUE)
# rooted
# }
# .TESTING.ultrametricize.phylo=function(phy, trim=c("min","max","mean","depth"), depth=NULL){
# phy <- reorder(phy)
# n <- length(phy$tip.label)
# n.node <- phy$Nnode
# xx <- numeric(n + n.node)
# for (i in 1:nrow(phy$edge)) xx[phy$edge[i, 2]] <- xx[phy$edge[i, 1]] + phy$edge.length[i]
# paths=xx[1:n]
# trim=switch(match.arg(trim),
# min = min(paths),
# max = max(paths),
# mean = mean(paths),
# depth = NULL)
# if(is.null(trim)) {
# if(!is.null(depth)) trim=depth else stop("'depth' must be supplied if 'trim=depth'")
# }
# tol=diff(range(paths))
# cat(paste("Detected maximum difference in root-to-tip path lengths of ",tol,"\n",sep=""))
# rsc=function(phy, curdepth, depth) {phy$edge.length=phy$edge.length*(depth/curdepth); phy}
# ww=which(phy$edge[,2]<=n)
# phy$edge.length[ww]=phy$edge.length[ww]+(trim-paths[phy$edge[ww,2]])
# if(trim!=depth && !is.null(depth)) {
# phy=rsc(phy, trim, depth)
# }
# if(any(phy$edge.length<0)) warning("ultrametricized 'phy' has negative branch lengths")
# return(phy)
# }
# .TESTING_bind.phylo=function(phy, taxonomy){
# ## phy: a 'rank' level phylogeny (tips of 'phy' should be matchable to taxonomy[,rank])
# ## taxonomy: a mapping from genus, family, order (columns in that order); rownames are tips to be added to constraint tree
# ## -- 'taxonomy' MUST absolutely be ordered from higher exclusivity to lower (e.g., genus to order)
# ## rank: rank at which groups are assumed to be monophyletic (currently for 'family' only)
# ## returns a nodelabeled constraint tree based on 'phy' and 'rank'-level constraints
# # oo=order(apply(taxonomy, 2, function(x) length(unique(x))),decreasing=TRUE)
# # if(!all(oo==c(1:ncol(taxonomy)))){
# # warning("Assuming 'taxonomy' is not from most to least exclusive")
# # taxonomy=taxonomy[,ncol(taxonomy):1]
# # }
#, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# rank=colnames(taxonomy)[unique(which(taxonomy==phy$tip.label, arr.ind=TRUE)[,"col"])]
# if(length(rank)!=1) stop("tips in 'phy' must occur in a single column of 'taxonomy'")
# tax=taxonomy
# ridx=which(colnames(tax)==rank)
# tax=tax[,ridx:ncol(tax)]
# tips=rownames(tax)
# original_taxonomy=taxonomy
# # PRUNE 'rank'-level tree if some taxa unmatched in 'tips'
# if(any(zz<-!phy$tip.label%in%tax[,rank])){
# warning(paste("taxa not represented in 'tips':\n\t", paste(phy$tip.label[zz], collapse="\n\t"), sep=""))
# phy=.drop.tip(phy, phy$tip.label[zz])
# }
# tmp=unique(c(phy$tip.label, phy$node.label))
# all_labels=tmp[!!=""]
# exclude=apply(tax, 1, function(x) !any(x%in%all_labels))
# missing_tips=rownames(tax)[exclude]
# if(length(missing_tips)){
# warning(paste("tips missing data in 'taxonomy' and excluded from constraint tree:\n\t", paste(missing_tips, collapse="\n\t"), sep=""))
# }
# tax=tax[!exclude,]
# # find tips that have data but whose data not at 'rank' level (plug in deeper in tree)
# at_rank=tax[,rank]%in%phy$tip.label
# deeper_tips=tax[!at_rank,]
# if(nrow(deeper_tips)){
# ww=apply(deeper_tips, 1, function(x) x[[min(which(x%in%all_labels))]])
# for(i in 1:length(ww)){
# nn=.nodefind.phylo(phy, ww[i])
# if(!is.null(nn)){
# tmp=.polytomy.phylo(names(ww[i]))
# phy=bind.tree(phy, tmp, where=nn)
# }
# }
# phy=compute.brlen(phy, method="Grafen")
# warning(paste("tips missing data at 'rank' level in 'taxonomy' but included in constraint tree:\n\t", paste(rownames(deeper_tips), collapse="\n\t"), sep=""))
# }
# phy$node.label=NULL
# tax=as.matrix(original_taxonomy[at_rank,1:ridx])
# if(ridx==1) {
# rownames(tax)=rownames(original_taxonomy)[at_rank]
# colnames(tax)=colnames(original_taxonomy)[ridx]
# }
# if(any([,rank]))) stop("Corrupted data encountered when checking taxonomy[,rank]")
# rsc=function(phy, age=1) {
# ee=phy$edge.length
# ag=max(heights(phy))
# phy$edge.length=ee*(age/ag)
# phy
# }
# ## CREATE 'rank'-level subtrees
# mm=min(phy$edge.length)
# ss=split(tax, tax[,rank])
# subtrees=lapply(1:length(ss), function(idx) {
# curnm=names(ss)[idx]
# x=ss[[idx]]
# rnm=rownames(x)
# y=as.matrix(x)
# d=apply(y, 2, function(z) if(all(z=="") | length(unique(z))==1) return(TRUE) else return(FALSE))
# if(any(d)) {
# nm=colnames(y)
# y=as.matrix(y[,-which(d)])
# colnames(y)=nm[-which(d)]
# }
# if(!length(y)){
# cur=.polytomy.phylo(rnm, mm/2)
# } else {
# cur=phylo.lookup(cbind(y,names(ss)[idx]))
# cur=compute.brlen(cur)
# }
# cur$root.edge=0
# cur=rsc(cur, mm/2)
# return(cur)
# })
# names(subtrees)=names(ss)
# ## PASTE in 'rank'-level subtrees
# contree=glomogram.phylo(phy, subtrees)
# contree=compute.brlen(contree)
# contree
# }
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