Man pages for gencve
General Cross Validation Engine

cgcvEstimate Misclassification Rate Using d-fold Cross-Validation...
churnCustomer Churn Data
DetroitDetroit Homicide Data for 1961-73
dShaoShao Holdout Sample Size for Linear Regression Variable...
featureSelectFeature Select For Wide Data
firesForest Fires in Montesinho Natural Park
gcvEstimate EPE Using Delete-d Cross-Validation
gencve-packageGeneral Cross Validation Engine General Cross Validation...
kNN_LOOCVSelect k with Leave-one-out CV
kyphosisData on Children who have had Corrective Spinal Surgery
loglosslog-loss function for multiclass prediction
maeMean Absolute Error
mapeMean Absolute Percentage Error
meatspecMeat Spectrometry to Determine Fat Content
misclassificationrateMisclassification Rate for Class Prediction
mseMean Square Error Loss
pollutionPollution Data from McDonald and Schwing
prostateProstate Cancer Data
rdigitsBFOSBFOS Digit Recognition Problem
regalRegression EPE for All Implemented Methods
rmixRandom Mixture Classification Example
rxorRandom XOR Samples
ShaoRegSynthetic Regression Data
SinghTestSingh Prostate Microarray Test Data
SinghTrainSingh Prostate Microarray Training Data
smapeMean Absolute Percentage Error
vifxVariance Inflation Factor
yhat_CARTCART regression prediction
yhat_gelElastic Net Regression Prediction
yhat_larsFit LASSO Regression using Mallows Cp and Predict
yhat_lmLinear Predictor using Least-Squares Regression
yhat_nnNearest Neighbour Prediction
yhat_plusSCAD or MCP Regression Prediction
yhat_RFFit Random Forest Regression Predictor
yhat_stepBackward Stagewise Regression with AIC or BIC
yhat_SVMSupport Vector Machine Regression Prediction
yh_C50C50 Prediction
yh_CARTCART Prediction
yh_kNNkNN or NN prediction
yh_ldaLDA predictions
yh_logisticLogistic Regression and Regularized Logistic Regression...
yh_NBNaive Bayes Prediction
yh_qdaQDA Prediction
yh_RFRandom Forest Prediction
yh_svmSupport Vector Machine Prediction
gencve documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:08 a.m.